The Schlubster has been a bit remiss with his reporting on the local theater scene, but shall remedy. The Schlubs attended both Shakespeare Theater productions of Henry V and Richard II, in repertory (I have no idea what that means, it just makes me sound edumacated). I can sum up both productions here:
It seemed more like going through the motions than real effort. The two more famous soliloquies, the St. Crispan's Day speech and the This England spiel, respectively, were just a point in the play, barely delivered with any of the passion either requires. Indeed, the play was halfway through both before I realized we were there. As I said, eh. Workmanlike, standard, nothing to write here about.
By contrast, Corneille's The Liar. Absolutely hilarious.
Now, you don't usually see 'absolutely hilarious' paired with a French play, but a doff of the toque to Shakespeare's production because this one had me in stitches. Yes, a bit of a brush up on the text, with a reference to cell phones here and there, and those elicited the necessary chuckle. But what made it a riot, the whole thing was in verse. Oh, man, the timing, the timing.
Go. See. It.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
April 15 rally at the Washington Monument
Uh, for the previous post below, you might have to click on the image to see the hidden celebrity. For now, photos from the latest rally just a few days ago. There were, I'd say, about 20, 22,000 people there scattered from the Monument down to the stage. Very calm crowd, rather laid back, enjoying the show. Ray Stevens, Guitarzan himself, did a few songs, quite funny. The guy is still singing strong. Victoria Jackson did her "Commie in the White House" thing, which was good, and there were lots of speakers, including Lord Moncton ( I probably misspelled that), Tucker Carlson, and, uh, Ron Paul. How he got away from his keepers, I don't know:
Fair and balanced
Fair and balanced
The handsome guy is Baby Schlub, doin' the old man proud. In the middle is the counter-protest, thanking Obama like he wanted. On the right, of course, is the refutation.
My sentiments exactly.
Cap, the Continental Army, and a President.
Not fans, these.
Code Red Rally: Celebrities!
How many can you identify? Hint: Most are Congressmen:

Yes, the Black Caucus, hoping someone will yell something disparaging. Which no one did, except "Boooooooo!" Lots of thumbs downs, too. But that's it. Believe me, if anyone HAD yelled what is alleged, the crowd would have made that person a greasy spot in about two seconds.
Oh, Schlub ran into one of his heroes:
Code Red Rally continued
Oh, let's do some more:
The sign says "Proudly Voting No." Don't know who's office, but good on ya, mate.
The sign says "Proudly Voting No." Don't know who's office, but good on ya, mate.
Code Red Rally: Congressional Office Buildings.
Here's some photos I snapped while standing at the Cannon then Rayburn office buildings (or was that the Longworth? Eh, whatever!):
Hey! What? I've STILL got a Blog???
Apparently, I do. And, yes, Schlub has been quite remiss, neglecting his duties and leaving the two or three of you who actually look at this thing in the lurch. So, to make up for it, I bring you:
These are a couple of shots from the big Code Red Healthcare rally back in March, you know, the one with the alleged racial epithets hurled at the Congressional Black caucus? I say "alleged," because I was standing right there. More pictures to follow:
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