No, Lindsey Graham, we will not move on.
If someone stole your checkbook, Lindsey Graham, would you let them take over your bank account? Because that’s what you’re asking us to do. Just accept it. In fact, go ahead and put some more money into that stolen account.
Is that what you would do?
Apparently so. You even make excuses. “Oh, there was no election fraud! It’s all been disproved.” I gotta wonder, Lindsey Graham, to what disprovals you refer because not one single court has reviewed one single item of evidence. You’re either making it up or taking the assurances of thieves: “Oh, don’t worry, we’ll leave you enough to live on. Besides, there’s nothing you can do so move on.”
Actually, Lindsey Graham, you should move on. You, and the entire GOP sellout backstabbing Quisling party, so happy you’re back in a position where you can throw up your hands and say, “Sorry, we’re as mad as you are but we can’t do anything about it.” The thief stole the bank account, doncha know. Harumph and harumph and gotta save our phony baloney jobs.
But I’ll tell you what, Lindsey Graham, if you can prove to me that the election was fair and correct, then I’ll back you guys. Get a grand jury and lawyers and witnesses and evidence together and lay it all out; prove to me all the things I saw on election day were just my lying eyes.
Otherwise, Lindsey Graham, you’ve got 80 million Republican voters who witnessed a Soviet style coup, and witnessed you making excuses for it. 80 million people who no longer believe their votes count, that the Republican party no longer has their backs, and that they have no redress in the courts or Congress.
What will 80 million people convinced they have no recourse do?