The mainstreams have tacitly acknowledged that the 2020 election was a fraud, was stolen, was corrupt, a coup, whatever label you choose. Main streamers- and in that I include RINOs and other assorted false flag conservatives- will never openly admit it because that would result in their immediate tar-and-feathering, but they’re letting us know they know that we know it was a fraud. A coup. An overthrow.
The first acknowledgement is HR1, which is nothing less than the codification of every fraudulent and unconstitutional means the DemoMarxists used to block Donald Trump from his rightful victory. The second comes from all those Redumblican state legislatures rising in their high dudgeon to close a barn door hanging by one rusty hinge as the winds stir the cobwebbed stalls.
HR1 is like marijuana reform: what were once crimes are now habits, so, heck, let’s benefit from it. Get rich off of it, gain political power from it. If it hastens the Idiocracy to which we are careening, what of it? Gonna happen anyway.
Redumblican legislatures in Georgia and Pennsylvania and wherever are shocked to find gambling going on at Rick’s. After we told them and told them and told them that mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting and no ID were going to make our elections a third world joke. Which it was. Which it is.
Let’s stop pretending that votes matter anymore, that the election process matters anymore, that you have a voice. A DemoMarxist one-party America for the rest of our lives, with a very loyal Redumblican opposition to make it look good. Forward into the future, comrades.
Gonna happen anyway.
All of us former drug agents watch the avalanche of marijuana legalization, shake our heads, and wonder why we even bothered. That’s pretty much how you should now view voting.
Soviets gonna soviet. It’s their nature. Whether ‘Muricans gonna murican remains to be seen. After all, it took a few years of ever increasing outrages until the militias gathered at Concord Bridge.