Sunday, November 8, 2009

Film at 11

Allright, finally, got some videos uploaded for your viewing pleasure. Took awhile, and I can't seem to get the video of Michele Bachman's complete speech to load, but I'll give it a couple of more shots.

These are random. The first one is this hilarious guy, name unknown, who gave like a ten minute comedy monologue as the Grim Reaper, saying how much he loved Pelosicare. He then stood up and gave directions to her office, which I'm sure led to her graciously receiving her constituents and listening intently to their concerns. Before arresting them.

They started blasting out "Won't Get Fooled Again" before the speeches, which was cool. Schlub, at that point, got into a rather boisterous discussion with five Obamacare lovers who were dressed like doctors and carrying signs like "Michele Bachman Will Kill You." Schlub, during the course of the very mild and unassuming discussion, mentioned the Marxism, fascism, unAmericanism, and general cretinhoodedness of the four or five sign carrying traitors. I was joined by an 84 year old lady who vigorously echoed those sentiments. Don't mess with her, man, she'll kick your rear. One of the five identified herself as an attorney and then gushed about the VA, because that was government health care and it was soooo wonderful. Schlub advised the attorney that he, as a 20 year veteran of the US Armed Forces, availed himself of VA health care and would she like to hear some actual, true stories about the type and quality of care, you know, the weeks to get an appointment, the six months to see a specialist, things like that? That's when they left.

There were four or five rude and obnoxious guys running around carrying a banner about freeing Leonard Pelletier. Leonard Pelletier? What is this, the 70's? During the benediction, one of them ran through the crowd carrying an upside down flag screaming "Free Leonard!" During the benediction, people! Schlub turned, placed a finger in the moron's face and mildly said, "Just one more word..." He left, too. You can see them in one of the videos below being moved along by Capitol Police.

Chants of "Kill the Bill," "USA." Yep, there are still some Americans left in America.

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