Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tea Party- the Documentary Film

Schlub and Mrs. attended the DC premiere of "Tea Party- the Documentary Film" last night at the Reagan Center. Since Schlub was present during the actual 9/12 march (see below) and Mrs. wasn't (wanted to go shopping. Shopping! Can you believe it?), Schlub wanted her to see what she missed. I mean, Macy's will always be there, but how often do you get to storm the Capitol with a million of your friends?

So, we went. Senator Jim Demint, Congresspeople's Tom Price, Joe Wilson, and  Marsha Blackburn were there, as well as Dick Armey. Here's a picture of them and the cast handing out awards:

If you get out your magnifying glass, you might be able to identify them.

Gotta say, Tom Price can deliver a stem winder.

So, after a lot of self-congratulations, we got into the film, which focused on five persons who pretty much got 9/12 off the ground. The film was a little less than 2 hours and the middle was draggy, almost put-you-to-sleep draggy, but, the last part, the actual 9/12 march...Wow. Inspiring. Almost as inspiring as being there, which somewhat mollified the Shopaholic.

Here's a picture of her with William, a re-enactor who is one of the cast members:

Brush with greatness.

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