Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America Died Last Night

It may not look it. The corpse seems viable, breathing, still full of life. But, trust me. It's dead.

There are now more people who expect things than there are people who earn things. There are now more covetous people than honorable ones. The Obama voter smirks at the Romney voter and sneers, "Payback! Now you're gonna get yours!"

Actually, they're going to get theirs, when the gas and electricity and food go through the roof, and the jobs and prosperity through the floor. But, then, Obama will blame the oil companies and the electric utilities and George Bush, and Hilary Clinton will win the next eight years, and Governor Cuomo another eight beyond that, with one or two Congressional Republicans from some district in Texas kept around for sport.

The grand experiment is over. We are Lee's Army at Appomattox. We lost. We will not rise again. Conservatism is relegated to the ash heap of history, along with the primacy of the individual, inherent rights, and government as servant. The individual will diminish, rights will be determined on a case-by-case basis, and a political and corporate elite will rule you.  

But that's all right. You'll have American Idol, marijuana, sex with anything you want, and an assigned job and apartment. You'll be happy.

Just not free.

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