For weeks, Hillary, you and Barry and Susan and Leon blamed a
video that some horrible person dared, DARED! to put on YouTube. Why, Hillary,
you even promised a grieving family member that the horrible, horrible person
who dared to put up that video would be severely punished, and there he is, in jail.
And it was all crap.
Four people died, alone and calling for help, because your
buddy Barry needed to swagger around telling everyone he was SO a tough guy! Hadn't
he destroyed Al Qaeda, knocked that Moammar guy right off his throne, solved
the Mid East crisis, ensured Israel's future, settled all the differences with
the Muslim world and just should be elected to another four years because he
has done so much to secure America's, and the world's, peace?
Well, no Hillary, he hadn't. And if you and Barry and Susan
and Leon had admitted that, well, your chances of getting more of those tax payer funded trips would be threatened, wouldn't it?
But it matters for another reason, Hillary, because see, four
people died, alone and calling for help, not because crapheads took offense to
a video. Oh, no, not at all.
They died because of you.
It is your fault. Not just as the head of a department that
screwed up so badly, but as someone directly responsible for their deaths. See,
a naif like you, drunk on your Peace Studies theory of engagement, with your postmodern view of American diminishment and the romance of Third World
revolutionary movements, might as well have sent a written invitation to Al
Qaeda to come on down and bugger a dead ambassador. See, Hillary, ideas have
consequences, and your faculty lounge statesmanship caused a beast to lurch
towards Benghazi.
And I think you know that. That's why you cried at the hearing.
And I think you are holding to this egregiously insensitive
"What difference does it make!" line because you know the honorable thing to do,
the right thing to do, is resign. In disgrace. But you won't.
Because you're not honorable.
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