Monday, October 19, 2009

The NFL is the Obama Administration

That's right. Complete and utter disregard for the working man while doing everything possible to impoverish you. Yesterday, 1:00 game. What could we see? Washington versus Kansas City. That's it. No game on Fox, just some silly crap while the GIANTS and the SAINTS were playing. Yeah, no interest in that game anywhere in the world, nooooooooo. More galling, only about half the seats at FedEx were filled (gee, I wonder why?). So, you know, blackout rule? And then there's the whole thing with Rush: the integrity of the NFL is one so pristine and holy a guy with a lot of money who could possibly turn around a failing franchise is denied because gasp! he says controversial things. It's a BUSINESS deal, for cryin' out loud!

That's it. Watching college only. Except when the Iggles are on (but, oy, if they keep playing like they did against Oakland...)

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