Friday, December 30, 2011


Dear President Hopeychange,

How’s Hawaii? Silly question; ‘tis a lovely place, I know. Have you been over to the Pearl Harbor memorial yet? Silly question, too. Imagine, you, paying respects to our nation’s military. That’s like you supporting the Constitution or something.
Now, some would think you have much cause to celebrate this Christmas season (or whatever you Marxists celebrate in its place, Proletariat Day or whatever) because of John Boehner’s screwing the pooch over the Bush tax cuts. But, you and I know differently, don’t we? I mean, yes, Boehner is slightly befuddled and I’m sure you thank Stalin every night that he’s where he is, but, c’mon, all this has done is delay things until February or March, when there isn’t a Christmas shopping season around to distract. And, hoo boy, they ain’t gonna be enough teleprompters in the world to get you past this one. You’re going to have to come right out and say that tax breaks benefit everyone and the economy, and then try to explain why people getting to keep more of their own money is better than handing it over to the government collective. Enough to freeze the cockles of any average Marxist’s heart, that.
But maybe you can take solace from the field of midgets the Republicans are winnowing in an effort to arrive at a nominee. I mean, wow, Ron Paul? Newt Gingrich? Not a group to inspire a heckuva lot of confidence  among those of us wishing you and your Commie cabinet long gone. You probably watch some of the debates and go, “Whew.”
I wouldn’t, though. Because Schlub, and about 200 million of his closest friends, are willing to vote for an infected toe over you this coming November.
Happy New Year!
Your friend,

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Much Ado About Nothin'

Paul Wiseman of the AP is just all a-giggle about the rebounding, roaring, expanding economy.

Excuse me?
Methinks, Paul, thou celebrateth too much:

a. “The job market is healthier.” Do tell. Maybe one of a socialist/Marxist/centralized-planning bent is so convinced, but the 8.6% rate over which you dance gleefully is freakin’ dismal. You can do the happy dance once it reaches 4.5%, the unemployment rate inNovember 2006, you know, when the Democrats took over Congress? By the way, the unemployment rate climbed to 6.8% by November 2008, after two years of Democrat congressional control.  Correlation is not causation, I know, but, looks mighty suspicious.
b. “Americans are spending lustily on holiday gifts.” And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

c. “A long awaited turnaround for the housing market may be under way.” The watchword here is “may,” and the facts you cite aren’t ones to spur champagne breakouts:
(1) “Home construction rose more than 9% in November from October, driven by apartment building.” Which strongly indicates an urge to rent and not buy, doncha think?

(2) “The existing homes sold at an annual rate of 4.4 million- well below the 6 million that would signal a healthy housing market.” You make my case for me.

d. “Falling prices at the pump have freed more money for consumers to spend…” Oh, please. Let’s say the government increases my taxes by 75%, then, six months later, drops that to 70%. I guess that 5% “increase” in my take home pay should have me out buying a new house, huh? Or maybe renting one of those new apartments. When a gallon of gas drops back to $2.18like it was in November 2006 (you know, before Democrats were elected?) get back to me.
e. “Stocks are higher.” Again when we get to 14,000, you know, like we did under Bush, get back to me.

Paul, seriously, knock it off. No amount of spin is going to cover up the fact that Comrade Obama has  completely screwed the economic pooch.
And if you weren’t working for Pravda, you could actually say that.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tora! Tora! Tora!

Date that will live in infamy just passed, and Schlubster did his usual watching of Tora!Tora!Tora!. I watch The Longest Day (or, more recently, Saving Private Ryan) on 6 June, and listen to Springsteen’s The Rising on Sep 11 (which, IMHO, captures the tragedy and loss of that day better than the 9/11 movies and documentaries). But this year I inadvertently caught a portion of FDR’s “Day of Infamy” speech playing on the radio and was struck by this phrase:

“No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.”

Righteous might. Absolute victory. Wow.

I can’t think of any one sentence, or phrases, that more starkly contrasts the America of a mere 40 years ago, and the present one. Back that mere 40, in the 1960’s when Schlubster was a bald-faced boy, you put your hand on an American, anywhere, under any circumstances, and you got slapped down. Missiles in Cuba? No friggin’ way, Jose. That was a time period when the good, old fashioned punch-in-the-nose was the main method of dealing with obnoxious twits, not law suits and charges of simple assault. Obnoxious twit countries knew that America would give them the international equivalent of said punch should they undertake any other kind of Pearl Harbor type action, and would keep punching until their Emperor was brought on deck of an American destroyer and made to sign surrender documents while their cities glowed.

We don’t seem to have that attitude anymore.

But Schlub! We got that bin Ladin guy and reduced a stone-age country to pre-stone age and Saddam got a necktie party!

Yeah, and Iran’s about to get a nuke, we sold out Egypt to the radical Islamists, we admonish Israel for defending themselves against Hizbollah, we excuse shariah law creeping in everywhere and we are still subject to jihadist attacks against our cities and people.

Doesn’t sound like absolute victory to me.

Apologies to Dan Harmon

Okay, Dan, I was wrong. W-R-O-N-G. These last few Community episodes have been brilliant. Just friggin’ brilliant. Up to your standards. Documentary Filmmaking, Studies in Modern Movement... Ruptured my stomach lining, I did.

So, those previous episodes that Schlubster took issue with- throwaways? Filler? Some exec’s son put on the writing staff? S’okay. Things is good again.