How’s Hawaii? Silly question; ‘tis a lovely place, I know. Have you been over to the Pearl Harbor memorial yet? Silly question, too. Imagine, you, paying respects to our nation’s military. That’s like you supporting the Constitution or something.
Now, some would think you have much cause to celebrate this Christmas season (or whatever you Marxists celebrate in its place, Proletariat Day or whatever) because of John Boehner’s screwing the pooch over the Bush tax cuts. But, you and I know differently, don’t we? I mean, yes, Boehner is slightly befuddled and I’m sure you thank Stalin every night that he’s where he is, but, c’mon, all this has done is delay things until February or March, when there isn’t a Christmas shopping season around to distract. And, hoo boy, they ain’t gonna be enough teleprompters in the world to get you past this one. You’re going to have to come right out and say that tax breaks benefit everyone and the economy, and then try to explain why people getting to keep more of their own money is better than handing it over to the government collective. Enough to freeze the cockles of any average Marxist’s heart, that.
But maybe you can take solace from the field of midgets the Republicans are winnowing in an effort to arrive at a nominee. I mean, wow, Ron Paul? Newt Gingrich? Not a group to inspire a heckuva lot of confidence among those of us wishing you and your Commie cabinet long gone. You probably watch some of the debates and go, “Whew.”
I wouldn’t, though. Because Schlub, and about 200 million of his closest friends, are willing to vote for an infected toe over you this coming November.
Happy New Year!
Your friend,
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