Dear President Hopeychange,
Ah, so much going on, I don't even know where to start. But here's a good place: you saying on Letterman that you represent the entire country.
Dude, you don't. You don't represent me, or any other
American, at all.
There is, as you well know, a big difference between a US
citizen and an American. I mean, you're a US citizen, odd birth certificate
notwithstanding, but you're definitely not an American. An American believes
the individual is more important than the mass, everyone is responsible for his
own behavior, all rights are inherent, and the government is, at best, a
necessary evil with very restricted powers.
Tell me what, if any of that, do you actually believe?
Seems to me you pretty much hold a completely opposite view
on all those points. You are willing to impoverish Joe the Plumber just to give
the people behind him a "fair shot." You blame Wall Street and banks
for your own party's destruction of the housing market. You want to regulate
free speech. And if there's one thing you are definitely into, it's expanding
the power and reach of the US government so that it can tell us what to eat, what
to think, what to read, and what to say.
From where does such hubris arise?
Well, that's easy to figure out— your Dad and Mom and Frank
Davis Marshall filling your young skull with all the tripe of Marxism and
collectivism, your drug-addled high school days making everything about you,
and your extreme self-righteous college and post-college activism. What truly puzzles
me, though, is, in the face of all the evidence, you still believe that
I mean, you have more than enough historical proof that
the entire collectivist/centralized approach to societal governance simply
doesn't work. It impoverishes, enervates, coarsens, everyone. Heck, the last three years alone show that all of your policy concepts
simply don't work; yet, you remain committed to them.
So, you are either an oblivious moronic pseudo-intellectual
masquerading as an open-minded sophisticate, like most Democrats, or...
A hate-filled, arrogant, contemptuous demagouge intent on destroying the Constitution.
Which is it?
Your friend,
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