I don't know where to start on the murder of Ambassador
Stevens in Benghazi and the subsequent cover-up. It's like watching the
earthquake and tsunami in Japan. You just watch. You don't really say
anything, just watch. The relative silence has probably convinced Baracula and
the rest of his minions that all of us are seeing it that same way he is: oh
well, things happen, just another bump in the road, sorry about that but, hey,
Stevie knew the risks going in.
Here's some things need addressing:
a. It's pretty clear that Ops Centers back in DC knew, early
on, that a major attack was being mounted in Benghazi. Not only did they hear
from the guys inside the compound, but they, apparently had a drone circling
the area for the entire six to eight hours watching the whole thing. I don't
know which Ops Center—DIA's, CIA's, FBI's, whichever—contacted the White House first,
but, at some point, someone told Baracula. His reaction?
He went to bed.
No ordering of troops, no calling out of aircraft, not even
a destroyer racing to the coast. I immediately flash back to that fatal moment
during the Normandy invasion when von Rundstet was
frantically calling Berlin to get the Panzers released to him. Sorry,
Runny, Hitler can't be disturbed— he's sleeping. I know these two situations
are not analogous, but the attitude
is: whether Obama went off for some shuteye because that campaign stop in Vegas
tomorrow morning is more important, or the bunch of lickspittles he's surrounded
himself with think Him So Holy that His Sleep is Precious, I don't know, but,
the point is, Baracula thought his eight hours rest warranted more attention
than the murder of an ambassador.
After all, you gotta break a few eggs
to make an omelet.
b. It is, also, very clear that US security teams were
screaming for more help weeks before, at least screaming that the in-place
security team remain in-place. Charlene Lamb said no. Now, I haven't actually
read this anywhere, but the implications floating around are that Lamb believed
the Libyan government (try saying that with a straight face) was sufficiently
viable to provide the necessary protections; a gesture of faith, so to speak,
in the Arab spring. But, IMHO, that's not why she refused:
She has nothing but utter contempt for security people. Even
more for ex-military security people.
See, in Charlene Lamb's world, violence results from the
mere existence of military and police forces. Because everyone in the military
is a Neanderthal stroking his rifle in masturbatory glee, wars start. Evil and
cruelty and murder and children crying is the result, so all you thugs out
there just shut up and stop asking for more troops and money. You all got us
into the Libya mess in the first place, in some non-specific and confusing
manner, so we're going to show you how love and trust and holding hands and
dancing around the Maypole will bring laughter and love and tears of joy. No
security for you. The peace-loving free peoples of Libya will hug you and keep
you warm.
This is what happens when the high school student council
runs a country.
So, Barack, Mr. Bump in the Road, Mr. I Gotta Get Elected
and a dead damn ambassador is just sooooo inconvenient, you should resign. Re.
Sign. Or be impeached, you child, you baby, you incompetent, you fool, you
traitor. That's right. Traitor. You, too, Hillary.
And, as for you, Charlene Lamb? Prison. In Libya.
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