Sunday, December 9, 2012

Buy more ammo

There is so much going on that I, truly, don't know where to focus. Not wanting to use a much-overused metaphor these days, but it's extremely difficult to pause and reflect when the car is on two tires, the brakes are on fire, and you are tumbling over the cliff side.
It should be very apparent to everyone by now that Barack Obama is an enemy of this country, and is absolutely intent on breaking the American economic system. That's why he came to Washington, as the front man, the vanguard of the proletariat, the culmination of a 25 year plan to bring America to its knees. It's a movie script. It's a thriller by Vince Flynn. And it's true.
Now, before you go off and scream "Conspiracy theorist!", let me tell you I'm not much of a believer in conspiracies. If there's one thing the Mafia has proven, two guys know a secret, then the whole world does. So, an active, plotted, conspiracy conducted over decades? No. But, an idea, people dedicated to an idea. And the damage an idea can do.
That idea is, of course, Marxism, which holds as its basic premise that all everyone really, really wants to do is get up before sunrise, stretch and go, "Oh boy! I get to work 18 hours today sickling wheat, and then give every bit of it to the guy in the next town! And expect absolutely nothing in return!" Uh huh. On what planet, Marxists?
So, you have a ridiculous idea backed by a flawed premise, that economics is the driving force of humanity, and what happens? Mass graves. We all stand here in amazement, wondering how anybody in their right mind would even entertain Marxism, yet there are whole countries (I'm looking at you, Russia) dedicated to it. And we have an administration imbued with it, a stupid, stupid idea that has proven its bankruptcy in decade after decade, country after country, slaughter after slaughter. Yet, 51% our of population voted for it. Why?
Simple. Because the real premise of Marxism is not economics. It's power.
Power over everyone, the power to tell everyone what they can do, what they can say, what they can eat, what they can watch, drive, own, think. That's what everyone really wants. It's downright sexual, and Barack Obama sits in his office, rictus grin on his face, self-righteous rage careening through his heart, gloating that an idea, a mere idea, can so corrupt an education system, a monetary system, a system of governance, that 51% of the population will, willingly, vote for their own enslavement.
Go to the range. Practice.

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