Sunday, December 30, 2012

Whose Fault Was It?

If you listen to Diane Feinstein and the rest of the insane left, Newtown happened because of guns. Adam Lanza brushed against one of his mother's [legal] weapons and was immediately possessed by the eeeevil Spirit of Gun-ness. Or, more on this side of sanity, if Mom didn't have all those eeevil guns, he'd only have killed 10 or 15 with an Evil Butcher Knife. So, it's the guns' fault.

No, it isn't. It's Barack Obama's fault. And Democrats. And all the rest of the Marxists.

What? What??? How is this Barry's fault?? He HATES guns! At least, in your hands.

Simple. Ideas have consequences.

Barry was  Chairman of the Chicago Annanberg Challenge, a "school reform" entity created by Bill Ayers with money from the Annanberg Foundation. The Annanberg Challenge was one more in a series of devastating body blows to the US public education system, like the self-esteem movement, the War on Boys, and the whole "learning disorders" craze. By the time the Marxist-in-Chief and his bomb-throwing pal Ayers had hijacked the Chicago schools, education was already reeling against the ropes. They kneed it in the groin, finishing it off.

And the result is a whole generation of boys, especially white middle-class boys, repeatedly hammered, each and every day, about how much of a threat and insult their manly instincts are to the real power in the world—girls. Playing cowboys and Indians at recess is proof of their innate racist and violent tendencies, making fart noises during Reading is evidence of severe educational deficiencies requiring large doses of cocaine in the form of Adderol, gayness is all the rage, manliness all the wrong, and girls really just don't need them. All the men on TV are befuddled arrested adolescents who only survive by the patient and condescending brilliance of their too-smart wives; football is brutish (oh my, you might get hurt!); weeping is good; a boy's very presence on the college campus prevents women from graduating and getting better jobs. His very presence in the workplace means the woman working next to him is automatically underpaid. His very existence is the source of all oppression.

Sullen, repressed, unhappy, guilty boys, frustrated, blamed for everything.

And you wonder why they massacre.

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