Wednesday, August 7, 2013

When His Lips Move

I did not watch Obama on Leno last night. I don't watch any event where he's speaking, not even the State of the Union. I catch the highlights later on some news show or another. Why? Because everything the man says is either (a) a lie or (b) uses words in a way never intended.

Let's take that big speech at the National Defense University, where he said wars end and the war on terror is now over. This week, he closes 19 embassies because those on-the-run Al Qaeda guys we no longer have to worry about are going to launch attacks.

On Leno, he said he we don't need "a huge government." Wow! Yes! Right on, Mr. President! But, see, his definition of a smaller government is one without a Congress, a Supreme Court, a Bill of Rights or anything that could possibly oppose His Majesty. He would keep the military, but he'd rename it the Stazi.  

Ignore his words. Pay attention to what he does, like the unilateral-and-illegal suspension of the employer mandate. He has threatened to veto a Congressional measure codifying the very same thing. You know what that means: he's going to enforce the mandate, despite what he said. When businesses go, "Hey! What's this? The IRS is making me pay!", he'll say they're mistaken, and then audit them.

Everything, every word the guy utters, is a lie. Except once, when he said he will fundamentally change the US.

That was dead-on accurate.

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