Monday, February 20, 2012

Infected Toe

WMAL in DC has a morning show hosted by two moderates named Brian and conservative goddess Mary Katherine Ham. She wasn’t there this morning, so the moderates waxed moderately on the unelectability of Rick Santorum who, gosh darn it, just can’t beat Baracula.
What the moderii and the rest of the talking heads in Fortress DC don’t get is this: we are not in the middle of an election, we are in the middle of a Civil War. Oh, not a violent one, no Sherman’s March or Gettysburg or anything like that (yet), but one, just the same. This is a fight to the death, NOT an interesting election highlighting subtle differences in policy and political theory.

They don’t know that because all those pundits and pollsters and editors only talk to each other. Just each other. They all go to the same parties, read the same papers, watch the same shows. They do not talk to us, the real people of America. No time for that, you see. Busy.
But Schlub does. Schlub winds his way up and down the byways and alleys and cities of America and engages his fellow citizenry in discussion, and has discovered something very very in'ressin': all those moderates and independents over whom the pundii tremble are going to vote ABO (Anybody But Obama) in November.

So, yes, Mitt Romney is electable, but so is Rick Santorum.
So is an infected toe.

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