Friday, May 31, 2013

A modest proposal

The schools have gone completely insane. Suspending a kid for a Pop-Tart gun (it goes 'pop,' right?) or, as Chris Plante (a national treasure) talked about today, suspending another kid because he wanted to defend his school from a Sandy Hook Elementary-type It seems 90-year-old brownshirt nuns have taken over the school system.

And what did you expect? For the past twenty years, the school system has waged a massive behavioral modification campaign to change little boys and little girls into little robots: ve are goink to eliminate ze violence in ze system. Make tag and pointy-gun-finger a capital offense. Promote homosexuality to give the little girls shopping partners, not eeeevil beer-swilling oppresive male husbands. Tart up the little girls and teach them about condoms so pedophiles will have an easier time of it. Dispense Adderol like candy.

And, really, it's so far advanced and ingrained in the entire public school system that no amount of lawsuits, outrage, and pulling your kids out is going to fix it. Noting can fix the public schools, which have become expensive, intrusive, and incapable.  

So, shut down public education. All of it.

Oh no! How will our precious little children ever learn about Dick and Jane? There'll be anarchy! Ignorance! Illiteracy! Dogs and cats living together!
Well, no.

After you've tossed the Marxist educational apparatus out the window, you pass two very simple laws: (a) no one can obtain a driver's license without a high school diploma, and (b) no one can work more than 10 hours a week without said diploma.

What??? WHAT?? How can someone get a high school diploma without a school to go to??? How can you deny a 16-year-old the joy of getting a license?? And how in the heck is McDonald's going to staff the front counter???

Easy. Get your GED. Then you're set.

Imagine. All across your town, hundreds of different schools would pop up. Some would just be bare bones Mom-and-Pop operations run out of a garage, teaching just enough to pass that GED. Others would be lovely institutions in (former) public school buildings, teaching Latin and Chemistry and Calculus to those who want more than a GED; you know, all those kids who wants to be doctors and lawyers and physicists. If all you want to do is join Daddy's roofing business, then great, go get your GED by the least expensive and fastest means possible, at 12 years old, if you can. But, let's face it, any 12-year-old who can pass the GED probably wants to do more than roofing, maybe be an archeologist, instead. So he enrolls in the Latin school.

But it'll be too expensive! No, it won't, it'll be pretty cheap. First, these schools need your kids to enroll, so they're going to have to keep their tuitions reasonable. And you'll have more money to pay for it because taxes will plummet. You'll be paying for only your school, not every other school in the county like you do now, whether you have kids or not.

And. boy, wouldn't this radically alter the colleges? Instead of an outrageously expensive four-year Communications degree just to learn how to run a recording studio, you could, instead, go to a much less expensive community college and get a certificate to do exactly the same thing. Without all the ridiculous courses that raise your tuition by, oh, say 1000%. In fact, the universities would have to get downright serious because they'd be competing against cheaper, faster, better ways of getting a great job. They'd actually have to become places of research and thought, instead of diploma mills and centers of Marxist indoctrination.

Utopia, people.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The other "i" word

Dear President Hopeychange,
I have to apologize for not writing sooner. Frankly, I didn't expect you to still be around after November, and I'm still getting over the shock. Go ahead, laugh at me and the other Americans who were absolutely convinced your bungling would hand the Presidency over to an adult. What's that quote? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." Good call on your part.
And, back in November, as the shreds of the United States fell alongside your confetti, I felt like this was it, that we had reached tipping point, that between the 49% of the Americans you and Bill Ayers lobotomized with your Annenberg Challenge silliness and the 2% you can count on through voter fraud, that the chances of adults ever running the country again was nil. Kaput. Finished. So I bought a lot of ammunition, a couple of extra guns, and decided to sit and wait for the civil war, which should break out sometime over the next ten years.
But, then, we had the last two weeks.
I mean, man: the Benghazi cover-up, the attack on AP and Fox, and the IRS? Wow. Why don't you just go ahead and put on the leather uniform, replete with lightening bolts, already? I watched the hearings and it was just jaw-dropping; wholesale violation of the Constitution by you and Eric and Ben and every other Marxist, er, Democrat, in the country. It's like you pulled the founding document out of the Archives, draped it in lingerie, and then had your way with it in the Lincoln Bedroom. I've always known you and your party hated the Constitution, but this was just overkill.
Then I started looking at all the timing involved: the Benghazi cover-up occurred a month or two before the election; the rape of AP well before that, and IRS intimidation of Republicans well before that. And you and your vanguard made strenuous efforts to make sure nary a peep of any of this got out before November 6th. Because you knew full well that any one of these was enough to get 4-5% of your 49% to go, "Hey, wait a minute, this doesn't seem right," and, while they wouldn't vote for Romney, they'd do what a lot of Republicans who also didn't like Romney did, and stay home. The 2% of votes delivered through fraud wouldn't have been enough, so you would have lost the election.
My first instinct, then, that you had stolen the election, turns out to be true.
The problem for you now- everyone else is beginning to see it the same way. So, while I never considered you the legitimate president of this country because you are a Marxist and not an American (we've had this discussion a few times already, remember?), it looks like everyone else who solemnly proclaimed you ARE the president 'cause you won it fair and square, now knows you didn't.
I think the weeks remaining to your Presidency are going to get a lot worse. You're going to look back on the last two fondly.
But you don't have to be worried about impeachment. Not gonna happen. And, no, it's not because you're black (you're not; you're red), but because it's strategically more advantageous for us real Americans to have you finish out the term. Every day you and the Democrats remain in charge will give plenty more examples of why you don't let high school students run the country, as your incompetence becomes apparent even to your supporters.
And that's an "i" word you should really fear.
Your friend,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hilary, Barack, care to comment?

I started out watching the Benghazi hearing on Fox, but they were flipping around to Jody Arias and kidnapped girls and pundits view of the testimony, so, annoyed, I went to CSpan 3 on the Web (I love the 21st Century and its alternative communication outlets). The hearings just adjourned moments ago, and here's my take:

a. Democrats are curs. Yellow, craven curs. At least three times, the Democrats tried to say it was Republican budget cuts that caused Benghazi. Three times, Darrel Issa (Yay! A spine!) pointed out previous testimony declaring money was no factor. Three. Times. And Representative Steven Horsford is, obviously, a sock puppet.

b. Despite some Democrat's snarky statement about there not being a smoking gun, not even a warm slingshot ( I think Pocan said that), one went off. That was Michael Thompson's testimony regarding the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), which looks like SWAT on steroids.
[Editorial aside: I pride myself on being very familiar with all kinds of CT support organizations, but I'd never heard of FEST. Delta, JTTF-B, SOCOM, yeah, but not FEST. Kudos to you guys for keeping it all low key].
Thompson said he called the White House and advised FEST was ready to go, in fact, was the perfect team to respond and could be there in four hours (or be ready to launch in four hours, I'm not sure). He was told that that meeting had already been held and that option was discarded. Thompson has no idea why FEST wasn't activated, but it looks very much like his boss, Ambassador Patrick Kennedy, convinced the NSC, in the first few hours of the attack, not to send FEST.

Ambassador Kennedy, care to comment?

c. Further proof of Democrat cur-ness was Eleanor Holmes Norton incredible attempt to call Thompson a liar by parsing, down to the molecular level, his quote in a newspaper that the State Department's Counterterroism Bureau was bypassed in the decision process. See, Norton had a harumphing statement from that same Ambassador Kennedy declaring he certainly was involved in the decision making and CTB comes under him, so, ipso facto, Thompson lieth like a rugeth! Fortunately, Thompson saw this lame attempt coming from miles away, and told Norton he did not say the Bureau was cut out, but that his division, which represents FEST, was not consulted nor asked to provide any input. Which is like requesting fire trucks without asking the fire department.

So, again, Ambassador Kennedy, care to comment?

d. Hilary Clinton blamed Diplomatic Security (DS) for the disaster. Now, I've worked for DS, and they are the red-headed stepchildren of State, and are always blamed when an Ambassador screws some security thing up. But Nordstrom made it clear that he, as the Regional Security Officer (RSO), made repeated and frantic requests for beefed up security, which Hilary not only denied but even one-upped by cutting his resources. So, Hilary blames Nordstrom for not being able to prevent a planned terrorist attack that she refused to give him the resources to prevent.

Hilary, your response?

e. And we now know why Hilary refused those resources, and why she and Barack went crazy over the video story. "Normalization." Hicks and Nordstrom testified that Hilary was making a big push for normalization in Libya. In other words, we've got normal State Department functions in a stable, democratic Libya, which was saved by the jutting jaw of Obama's resolve to watch NATO bomb Khaddafi out of power, and was, subsequently, brought magically into the 21st Century by the Greatest Secretary of State, Hilary, who is now ready for the baton pass in 2016. No terrorists to see here. Move along.

And that's why the video had to be the catalyst—because then the Benghazi attack is just a one-off, an anomaly, something weird happening out of the blue. Like shootings at Ft. Hood, or bags blowing up in Marathons. No terrorism to see here, move along. Anything else proves how incompetent, child-like, and completely incapable Barack Obama and his administration, is.
Hilary, Barack, care to comment?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Here to help yeeeew

You are, according to the average government hireling, too stupid to take care of yourself. You cannot choose your health care properly, you do not know how to handle weapons, you cannot eat or drink the right foods, you do not know how to raise your children. They do. They have acquired this ability through either (a) assuming a government position or (b) graduating from certain schools. They can now choose your health care for you, take care of your security, select your diet, monitor your children's activities.

"This is the way," they assure you.This is the best of all solutions. You will be safe, prosperous, actualized, happy, under the benevolent and all-seeing care of Your Government.

And yet:

a. A woman calls 911 while she is being attacked, and is put on hold.

b. Immigration agents cannot access a database telling them the terrorist they're about to let in to the country has an expired visa.

c. The government gives your money to someone making cigarette- sensitive underwear.

"Isolated incidents," they snort. No, they're not. They're standard. And all their promises of ferreting out fraud and incompetence and it's really, really going to work this time! doesn't cut it.

What they are proving is what the Founders knew: government is incompetent. Always was. Always will be.

Right, Ambassador Stevens?