Dear President Hopeychange,
I have to apologize for not writing sooner. Frankly, I
didn't expect you to still be around after November, and I'm still getting over
the shock. Go ahead, laugh at me and the other Americans who were
absolutely convinced your bungling would hand the Presidency
over to an adult. What's that quote? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." Good call on your part.
And, back in November, as the shreds of the United States fell alongside your confetti, I felt like this was it, that we had reached tipping
point, that between the 49% of the Americans you and Bill Ayers lobotomized
with your Annenberg Challenge silliness and the 2% you can count on through voter fraud, that the chances of adults ever running the country again was nil.
Kaput. Finished. So I bought a lot of ammunition, a couple of extra guns, and
decided to sit and wait for the civil war, which should break out sometime over
the next ten years.
But, then, we had the last two weeks.
I mean, man: the Benghazi cover-up, the attack on AP and
Fox, and the IRS? Wow. Why don't you just go ahead and put on the leather uniform, replete with lightening bolts, already? I watched the hearings and it
was just jaw-dropping; wholesale violation of the Constitution by you and Eric
and Ben and every other Marxist, er, Democrat, in the country. It's like you
pulled the founding document out of the Archives, draped it in lingerie, and
then had your way with it in the Lincoln Bedroom. I've always known you and your
party hated the Constitution, but this was just overkill.
Then I started looking at all the timing involved: the Benghazi
cover-up occurred a month or two before the election; the rape of AP well
before that, and IRS intimidation of Republicans well before that. And you and
your vanguard made strenuous efforts to make sure nary a peep of any of this got
out before November 6th. Because you knew full well that any one of these was enough
to get 4-5% of your 49% to go, "Hey, wait a minute, this doesn't seem
right," and, while they wouldn't vote for Romney, they'd do what a lot of Republicans
who also didn't like Romney did, and stay home. The 2% of votes delivered
through fraud wouldn't have been enough, so you would have lost the election.
My first instinct, then, that you had stolen the election,
turns out to be true.
The problem for you now- everyone else is beginning to see
it the same way. So, while I never considered you the legitimate president of
this country because you are a Marxist and not an American (we've had this
discussion a few times already, remember?), it looks like everyone else who
solemnly proclaimed you ARE the president 'cause you won it fair and square,
now knows you didn't.
I think the weeks remaining to your Presidency are going to
get a lot worse. You're going to look back on the last two fondly.
But you don't have to be worried about impeachment. Not
gonna happen. And, no, it's not because you're black (you're not; you're red),
but because it's strategically more advantageous for us real Americans to have
you finish out the term. Every day you and the Democrats remain in charge will
give plenty more examples of why you don't let high school students run the
country, as your incompetence becomes apparent even to your supporters.
And that's an "i" word you should really fear.
Your friend,
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