Friday, August 21, 2009


Dear President Hopeychange,

How's that takeover of the medical profession working out for ya? Not so good, I see. But, you'll press on. By God and Jeremiah Wright, you know what's best for all the Bible clinging gun totin' yahoos of this eeeeeevil country and, by God and Jeremiah Wright, you're gonna give it to 'em, if you have to euthanize every 60 year old to do it.

That, of course, indicates a problem- you seem to have little capacity to learn. Oh yeah, Alinsky's rules and Bill Ayres long range plans and how to hide Soros' money, that you've got down. I mean real learning, you know, the ability to re-evaluate positions in the face of convincing, contrary evidence?

Consider: Despite your conviction that your health care debacle will lower costs, your very own CBO is making a very loud and insistent au contraire. You keep saying that everyone wants this, but the polls and all the crazy townhalls strongly indicate otherwise. And you say you don't want to kill grandma, but your death panels seem poised to do just that.

Hello, McFly, anyone home?

I mean, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you were on a single minded mission to subjugate the American people by making their very well-being a function of arbitrary state power and, by God and Reverend Wright, they'll submit or no cancer treatment for you! But I know that's not what you're doing.

Are you?

Your friend,


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