Un. Be. Lievable. I figured 50, 60 thousand tops, and most of those from the local area. When we pulled into the Metro station, though, the line for tickets was out the door. Surprise! At every stop, hundreds of sign-carrying right wing terrorists poured onto the cars. At Reagan Airport, a couple got on and told me they'd just stepped off a plane from the Philippines! Business trip, right to the protest.
Federal Triangle was so mobbed they just waved us right through:
This was the scene at Freedom Plaza:
Haven't seen this sign since the 60's.
Then the march began:

This was inscribed on the side of the Newseum, and prompted a "Read the Building!" chant as we passed:

This was the counterprotest. A bunch of smarmy college students dressed in suits (CEOs of insurance companies, doncha know) singing songs extolling the joys of socialized medicine. But the guy behind them with the sign was hilarious:

The Grim Reaper was there:

and 1.2 million of Schlub's friends:

Schlub's son and Schlub. Age difference should be obvious:

All kinds of people:
Man, the creativity:

These two just caught my eye:

One video (hope it works).
Hey, Nancy, Harry, Baracula...did you, by chance, notice some people were on the lawn?
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