Thursday, March 29, 2012

The One

So Rubio's out there telling us all to get behind Romney, and the morning show guys and just about everyone else is saying he's the guy so c'mon, Redumblicans, eschew others and jump on the Romneyvan.


Because, Redumblicans, moderates, wonkies, he is not the one we want (by "we," I mean real conservatives, taxpayers, working people). He just isn't. Why?

Because he still holds tender in his heart the concept that government is the answer. Oh, sure, a nicer government, one that reflects conservative American values, rewards hard work and savings, cherishes the family and the individual.

But, still, government management of our lives, our efforts, our prosperity.

And we've had enough of that mindset.

Bring us a candidate who believes in the citizenry, not the Congress, who promotes the individual, not the process, and who considers the Bill of Rights absolutely inviolate and who will not only eliminate Obamacare but Romneycare, Gingrich Care, any and all kinds of government sponsored care and feeding of the masses. That's the candidate we want.


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