Thursday, December 11, 2008

And he looked so sincere

At the press conference today, the Marxist was shocked, shocked! to find corruption in Chicago politics. Shake of the rueful head. Yes, it is sad, my peasant minions, that SOME people (meaningful glance in Blago's direction) get into politics and treat it like a business. While others (humble drop of the eyes) enter for the High and Nobel Purpose of Serving the Peeeeepuuuul.

Uh huh.

Which, of course, must mean going to a city renowned for its corruption and…

(a) lining up with a rabid racist church (b) joining a hard left board distributing millions to radicalized education programs (c) running around and forcing banks to give loans to absolutely unqualified people in the name of community organizing (which, of course, has just NOTHING to do with our current financial difficulties, right?) (d) using thug tactics to throw everyone else off the ballot and ensuring your election to the State Senate (e) your wife getting a 175% raise after (before? eh, can't remember) you engineer a state grant to her workplace (f) get a real sweetheart land and house deal through your good pal Rezko (friend o' Blago) (g) vote for infanticide (h) vote 'present' on everything else (i) get into the Senate and do absolutely nothing but run for President and (j) accept foreign and fraudulent contributions to your campaign…

is not at all self serving but Service to the Peeeeeeeeeeepul?

Spare me.

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