Saturday, August 29, 2009
How’s the vacation? Not going that well, with Kennedy kicking the bucket and the health care abomination about to do the same. I guess that’s why you announced a second vacation after this vacation. Being President is hard.
I’m pretty sure they told you that. Not that I’ve really defined who “they” are yet; is it those ecocommunists the Apollo Alliance? Soros? Rathke? No matter. Point is, it’s gotten as rough as they said it was going to and you’re just gonna have to ride it out. I mean, when you’re the front man of a dedicated, hard core leftist group which believes its seeing its 40 year plan coming to fruition, you’re going to get your share of abuse.
And you’re doing what you’re supposed to, anyway. They got you elected and said go play. So, you’ve been to Paris and Berlin and New York City and there’s the date nights and the shopping and the other trips and now, look at you, on Martha’s Vineyard. Pretty cool! I mean, did you ever in your wildest dreams think you’d be here? Sure, they carried you along pretty well since the Annenberg Challenge days but, man, I’ll bet even you didn’t think they could pull off a Presidency! Once you’re done with your evening prayers to Mecca, you should drop and add another set to Bill Ayres and Michael Klonsky. Who knew their 20 year campaign to dumb down America would be so effective?
But, you gotta be careful. Front men have a tendency to believe they’re the reason things work, so they get full of themselves and try to run things. John Edwards comes to mind, and look what they did to him. You do have trouble with fullness of self, doncha know. It looks like you got ahead of the plan with this whole health care abomination and now, what, all those fat dumb white ‘murricans running around yelling at Congressmen? About the last time a bunch of fat dumb white ‘murricans got this exercised was right after Pearl Harbor, and you saw what they did to Nagasaki.
So, you might want to consider pulling back. Your stubborn insistence on this health care abomination must be giving Soros the vapors, especially since it really, really looks like you and the Democrats are being downright evil. Why, a lot of people are actually starting to understand this isn’t about health care at all, but an attempt to put them under your thumb. Can’t have that! So, if you got on TV and announced the legislation was being pulled, Rathke’d breathe a sigh of relief and you’d start to look, well, presidential. Give it some thought. ‘Cause there’s always next year.
And they can always find another front man.
Your friend,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Overwhelming sense of being right
Yes, how dare they?
Use approved methods, already reviewed by Congress, to extract information from subhumans who want nothing more than to kill us all? Use their talents, training, skills and dedication to protect us, keep us safe in the night?
Thank you.
You did make one mistake, though. You believed your own government had your back.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Not a lot of confidence
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sleeping giant stirs
About 200 people showed up at the intersection across from Representative Jerry Connolly's office in Annandale, Virginia to vent spleen about his support for Obama's fascist takeover of healthcare. Yeah, that's right, fascist. You hear me, Jer?
That's right, Jer. A myth.
Yeah, why IS Jerry hiding? He was, of course, nowhere to be found.
Captain America was there
Keith Femian, running AGAINST Connolly, was there.
But no Jerry.
I have a lot more pictures, but these'll do for now. It was pretty raucous; this is a very busy intersection located next to an apartment complex and a shopping plaza and we were yelling a lot. But there was no trouble; indeed, a good time was had by all. The vast majority of people driving by gave us a thumbs up or a supporting honk. Even a Fairfax County cop give us the high sign! There were about six thumbs down and, towards the end, an SUV filled with CWA union thugs drove by at a high rate of speed waving "Health Care Now" prepackaged plastic signs. They went by so fast we thought they were supporters, but didn't make that mistake when they zipped back. Roundly booed.
A lot of fed up, frustrated, angry people. You hear that, Jer?
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Friday, August 21, 2009
How's that takeover of the medical profession working out for ya? Not so good, I see. But, you'll press on. By God and Jeremiah Wright, you know what's best for all the Bible clinging gun totin' yahoos of this eeeeeevil country and, by God and Jeremiah Wright, you're gonna give it to 'em, if you have to euthanize every 60 year old to do it.
That, of course, indicates a problem- you seem to have little capacity to learn. Oh yeah, Alinsky's rules and Bill Ayres long range plans and how to hide Soros' money, that you've got down. I mean real learning, you know, the ability to re-evaluate positions in the face of convincing, contrary evidence?
Consider: Despite your conviction that your health care debacle will lower costs, your very own CBO is making a very loud and insistent au contraire. You keep saying that everyone wants this, but the polls and all the crazy townhalls strongly indicate otherwise. And you say you don't want to kill grandma, but your death panels seem poised to do just that.
Hello, McFly, anyone home?
I mean, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you were on a single minded mission to subjugate the American people by making their very well-being a function of arbitrary state power and, by God and Reverend Wright, they'll submit or no cancer treatment for you! But I know that's not what you're doing.
Are you?
Your friend,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Not the proper use of the pulpit
How inappropriate
The churches minister to the spirit. They don't minister to the body. Health and wealth and position, incidental. The state of the soul, primary. And as long as the churches remember that, everything's fine. Leave the things of Caeser to Caeser. Stay on mission.
Stay. On. Mission.
Health care is not a spiritual matter. Got that, Barry?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
How it works
So, Schlub takes his pay home and calls his insurance company, saying, "Listen, I would like to take some of the money I legitimately earned and give you a portion of it. In exchange for me freely giving you some of my own money, I would like you to write me a policy covering certain aspects of my medical care." The insurance company, being in the business of writing the policies I seek, agrees. We come to terms. I freely give them my honestly earned money. They give me a policy.
And this is Barney Frank's business, how?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bong addled theories, 2
Monday, August 17, 2009
Bong addled theories
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wrong book
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sophistry is not wisdom
Uh, no.
No one's explained why the clause is in there in the first place. And why is it in such abstruse, legalese language requiring such detailed deconstruction? Maybe, 'cause, later on, say when everyone's been hijacked into the system, lawyers can suddenly find a euthanasia requirement, a legal alternative to extending someone's life past what the actuarial tables say they should go?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
We're the hippies now
What goes around...
Tell ya, the first time Joe Biden says "nattering nabobs of negativity," I'm growing my hair out.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Changing the nature
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wrong guy
He's not the second coming of Jimmy C.
He's Nixon.