I started out watching the Benghazi hearing on Fox, but they
were flipping around to Jody Arias and kidnapped girls and
pundits view of the testimony, so, annoyed, I went to CSpan 3 on the Web (I
love the 21st Century and its alternative communication outlets). The
hearings just adjourned moments ago, and here's my take:
a. Democrats are curs. Yellow, craven curs. At least three
the Democrats tried to say it was Republican budget cuts that caused
Benghazi. Three times, Darrel Issa (Yay! A spine!) pointed out previous
testimony declaring money was
no factor. Three. Times. And Representative Steven Horsford is, obviously, a
sock puppet.
b. Despite some Democrat's snarky statement about there not
being a smoking gun, not even a warm slingshot ( I think Pocan said that), one
went off. That was Michael Thompson's testimony regarding the Foreign Emergency
Support Team (FEST), which looks like SWAT on steroids.
[Editorial aside: I
pride myself on being very familiar with all kinds of CT support organizations,
but I'd never heard of
Delta, JTTF-B, SOCOM, yeah, but not FEST. Kudos to you guys for keeping it all
low key].
Thompson said he called the White House and advised FEST was ready
to go, in fact, was the perfect team to respond and could be there in four
hours (or be ready to launch in four hours, I'm not sure). He was told that
meeting had already been held and
that option was discarded. Thompson has no
idea why FEST wasn't activated, but it looks very much like his boss,
Patrick Kennedy, convinced
the NSC, in the first few hours of the attack, not to send FEST.
Ambassador Kennedy, care to comment?
c. Further proof of Democrat cur-ness was Eleanor Holmes Norton
incredible attempt to call Thompson a liar by parsing, down to the molecular
level, his quote in a newspaper that the State Department's Counterterroism
Bureau was bypassed in the decision process. See, Norton had a
harumphing statement from that same Ambassador Kennedy declaring he certainly
was involved
in the decision making and CTB comes under him, so, ipso facto, Thompson lieth
like a rugeth! Fortunately, Thompson saw this lame attempt coming from miles away,
and told Norton he did not say
the Bureau
was cut out, but that his
which represents FEST, was not consulted nor asked to provide any input. Which
is like requesting fire trucks without asking the fire department.
So, again, Ambassador Kennedy, care to comment?
d. Hilary Clinton blamed Diplomatic Security (DS) for the
disaster. Now, I've worked for DS, and they are the red-headed stepchildren of
State, and are always blamed when an Ambassador screws some security thing up.
But Nordstrom made it clear that he, as the Regional Security Officer (RSO),
made repeated and frantic requests for beefed up security, which Hilary not
only denied but even one-upped by cutting his resources. So, Hilary blames
Nordstrom for not being able to prevent a planned terrorist attack that she refused
to give him the resources to prevent.
Hilary, your response?
e. And we now know why Hilary refused those resources, and
why she and Barack went crazy over the video story. "Normalization." Hicks and
Nordstrom testified that Hilary was making a big push for normalization in
Libya. In other words, we've got normal State Department functions in a stable,
democratic Libya, which was saved by the jutting jaw of Obama's resolve to watch NATO bomb Khaddafi out of power, and was, subsequently, brought magically into
the 21st Century by the Greatest Secretary of State, Hilary, who is now ready
for the baton pass in 2016. No terrorists to see here. Move along.
And that's why the video had to be the catalyst—because then
the Benghazi attack is just a one-off, an anomaly, something weird happening
out of the blue. Like shootings at Ft. Hood, or bags blowing up in Marathons.
No terrorism to see here, move along. Anything else proves how incompetent,
child-like, and completely incapable Barack Obama and his administration, is.
Hilary, Barack, care to comment?