Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What your hard earned tax dollars are going for

Senators sell their votes. They use our money as capital. They buy greater power over our lives, using our money. They make a law and say, "Comply or else," and it is our money that funds it. We are financing our own enslavement. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

You no longer have our consent

Laura Ingraham's speech at the Code Red rally was a stem winder. Unfortunately, Blogspot is having a hissy fit and won't let me load it. I'll keep trying. In the meantime:

Pretty much sums the prevailing attitude

A series of photos showing the line of people trying to get into the Senate Office buildings, and a bemused Senator and his staff wondering what is all the fuss and bother out here:

Code Red Rally- 15 Dec 09

Brisk little rally on the side of the Capitol, about 5000
people, give or take:

A little more perspective here:

Pitchforks, people!

        Michele Bachmann!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Big fan of the old show, thought the finale was superb, figured syndication, re-runs, I'm good. But, they bring it back! So, I watched the premier. Like the premise, think Dr. Denise is quite the hot young thing, but they are just trying way too hard to be Scrubs. Relax, guys, got nothin' to prove. Be a new show, not a painful shadow of the old one.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tea Party- the Documentary Film

Schlub and Mrs. attended the DC premiere of "Tea Party- the Documentary Film" last night at the Reagan Center. Since Schlub was present during the actual 9/12 march (see below) and Mrs. wasn't (wanted to go shopping. Shopping! Can you believe it?), Schlub wanted her to see what she missed. I mean, Macy's will always be there, but how often do you get to storm the Capitol with a million of your friends?

So, we went. Senator Jim Demint, Congresspeople's Tom Price, Joe Wilson, and  Marsha Blackburn were there, as well as Dick Armey. Here's a picture of them and the cast handing out awards:

If you get out your magnifying glass, you might be able to identify them.

Gotta say, Tom Price can deliver a stem winder.

So, after a lot of self-congratulations, we got into the film, which focused on five persons who pretty much got 9/12 off the ground. The film was a little less than 2 hours and the middle was draggy, almost put-you-to-sleep draggy, but, the last part, the actual 9/12 march...Wow. Inspiring. Almost as inspiring as being there, which somewhat mollified the Shopaholic.

Here's a picture of her with William, a re-enactor who is one of the cast members:

Brush with greatness.