Friday, September 27, 2013

Overdue Indictments

Hilary Clinton: Involuntary Manslaughter, for her demand that the US relationship with Libya be "normalized," and then telling Ambassador Stephens to shut up already, you don't need any extra security, I just declared everything normal over there. Conspiracy to Commit Perjury, Providing False Statements, too, for that video, which doesn't make any difference, doncha know.

Eric Holder: Fraud and Diversion of Government Property, for Fast and Furious. Conspiracy to Commit Murder, for Fast and Furious. Malfeasance, for just about everything else he's done.

Leon Panetta: As a former Secretary of Defense, activate him in the military and then bring UCMJ charges of Dereliction of Duty and Conduct Unbecoming, for leaving Americans to die in battle without rendering aid. Then back to the civilian courts for False Statement about that video crap.

James Clapper: for being Stupid on Station. And Perjury.

Susan Rice: Conspiracy to Commit Perjury.

And, last but not least:

President Barack Obama: Managing a Criminal Enterprise.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

When His Lips Move

I did not watch Obama on Leno last night. I don't watch any event where he's speaking, not even the State of the Union. I catch the highlights later on some news show or another. Why? Because everything the man says is either (a) a lie or (b) uses words in a way never intended.

Let's take that big speech at the National Defense University, where he said wars end and the war on terror is now over. This week, he closes 19 embassies because those on-the-run Al Qaeda guys we no longer have to worry about are going to launch attacks.

On Leno, he said he we don't need "a huge government." Wow! Yes! Right on, Mr. President! But, see, his definition of a smaller government is one without a Congress, a Supreme Court, a Bill of Rights or anything that could possibly oppose His Majesty. He would keep the military, but he'd rename it the Stazi.  

Ignore his words. Pay attention to what he does, like the unilateral-and-illegal suspension of the employer mandate. He has threatened to veto a Congressional measure codifying the very same thing. You know what that means: he's going to enforce the mandate, despite what he said. When businesses go, "Hey! What's this? The IRS is making me pay!", he'll say they're mistaken, and then audit them.

Everything, every word the guy utters, is a lie. Except once, when he said he will fundamentally change the US.

That was dead-on accurate.

Friday, July 26, 2013

It's Just Stuff

"Zimmerman should never have gotten out of his car."
I keep hearing this, day after day, from people outraged by the Zimmerman verdict. If he had just stayed inside his car like the police told him to (yeah, I know, they never did say that. Indeed, they asked him what Trayvon Martin was doing, which Zimmerman could only find out by getting out of his car and following him) and didn't have his gun in hand (yeah, I know, that never happened, either) and wasn't racially profiling Trayvon (seems more like he was criminally profiling, not racially) then Trayvon would be alive today, able to teach his brother how to fight, finally get that Glock he's got his eye on, and help the local economy by smoking even more marijuana.

Not get out of his car? What?

Used to be, your castle, your neighborhood was inviolate, as was your person and the persons around you; criminals were scum, the police served the lawful, the courts threw the book and everybody was an actual individual responsible for their behavior. Then Marx and Heidegger and Sarte and all the rest of them started all that giggly stuff about no truth and no God and no responsibility and it was all fun, you know, we can be hippies and smoke dope and free love and don't judge me, you square, you fascist. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

And now.

We are to cower inside some kind of fortified location whenever some misunderstood victim of the white patrimony displays his righteous anger by entering our property and liberating crass commercial products we bought with money illegally obtained by the exploitation of the proletariat. We are to place a call to the designated authorities, who will dispatch a properly trained and licensed official to detain the heroic member of the working classes while we wait and do nothing in the interim because, well, you have insurance, and life is too precious for you or the heroic representative of the oppressed underclass to become injured or gasp! be killed over something as unimportant as your stereo you're still trying to pay off and the diamonds you inherited from a great-grandmother. And if the police are delayed and the guy gets away with everything you own, well. It's just stuff. Get over it.

And should you, through your own inability to understand the subtleties and nuances of the rich cultures that give our country so much flavor and diversity, find yourself being pummeled into Jello by a righteously angry member of one of those said cultures (which have flourished despite your white patrimonic oppression), then you must gauge at what point the beating has changed from nothing more than a cultural expression ("whoop-ass") to an actual life-threatening event. But because your white racist thinking makes you incapable of judging that on your own, just endure it. You can later sue the poor misunderstood heroic member of the underclass, or your widow can.

Just stay in your car. Oppressor.


Friday, July 12, 2013

It Matters Now

Race, I mean. It didn't used to, at least, not to me. I grew up an Army brat, and practically every place I lived was a mini-UN, with whites and blacks and Asians and Latinos and some categories you never heard of running around. We all played with each other, we all hung out together. My Dad was a true-blue racist, as was my Mom on occasion, but it didn't take. While he railed against blacks and Chinese (in significantly egregious terms), I was with them down the street. All the things he said about them just wasn't my, or most of my peers, experience. Seemed to be generational: our Depression-era World War 2 veteran type parents were a lot of racists, while most of us, their kids, weren't. Familiarity breeds nonchalance.

But now?

I don't know the point in time where it changed, but I'm guessing the OJ Simpson trial. I mean, in the face of overwhelming evidence, he's acquitted? Because of non-specific racism against blacks at some point in history, and because no one likes the LAPD? Oh, c'mon!

Oh. C'mon.

Because if there is one thing that shows whites and blacks are universes apart in their understandings and concepts, it's that trial. I was utterly baffled by the verdict, but a black guy I knew, wasn't. He exulted. And I looked at him, speechless; two people were butchered, and it simply didn't matter, because some black guy was a slave 150 years before. Nicole Simpson died for our sins.

And since then: Hurricane Katrina, the Duke Lacrosse team, the Philadelphia Black Panthers, the Cambridge police acting stupidly (at least, according to the post-racial President), Don Imus...and now this Zimmerman trial.

I am baffled, again, by some of the things I've heard from blacks on the radio and TV: Zimmerman shouldn't have gotten out of his car, he shouldn't have followed, he just should have taken the beating...

What. The. Hell?

And there's no need to go into it, seek an explanation, understand it, because the problem is obvious: whites and blacks are universes apart. We don't even speak the same language. We are two distinct alien species with absolutely nothing in common. And I guess it's always been that way, regardless of my experiences when growing up.

That's sad. Really, really sad. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

The second time around

Dear President Hopeychange,

Man, rough week. I mean, I can see why you went to Berlin. If a couple hundred thousand former Nazi's showed up and cheered you like they did last time, then you'd know you were on the right track. But, 4500? By invite? You know, if the Germans aren't on your side anymore, then maybe you really ought to check your premises.

Because yours are so, reflexively, 80's. First, nuclear disarmament. Really? Really? What did you think was going to happen, a sudden "NoNukes" demonstration with hundreds of thousands of studenten wearing death's heads and carrying mock-ups of cruise missiles, hanging effigies of Reagan? You do realize all those people are now well in their fifties and, while they may recall those halcyon days with much fondness (as do most of us when regarding our hippie dope-smoking days), they're now pretty grateful for all that Outspend-the-Sovs stuff. It means they are still speaking German, not Russian. All of Germany is now speaking German, come to think of it.

And then, climate change? Oh, get real, will you? Only the craziest of the extreme left greenie kill-all-the-people-and-save-Mother-Earth freaks believe that anymore. You know, Al Gore, Van Jones. Your other nutty friends. So stop it.

But you can't help it, can you? All those discarded 80's tropes are all you've got. I know, during those dope addled days, abandoned by Mom and Dad and your horribly white grandmother while Frank Marshall Davis gushed about the vanguard of the proletariat, you imprinted all that crap, sort of like a baby duck. Now, your basic thoughts are a series of bumper stickers: Visualize World Peace, You Cannot Hug Children with Nuclear Arms, Save the Planet. Just about every thing you say has one, or all, of those as origin. And, in tough times like this, when you are, belatedly, discovering that all that Marxist cant which brought such a shine to your eyes and sense of missionary purpose to your shredded life, is just so much crap, you can't help curling into a fetal position and chanting, "Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh!" Well, that was a little before your time, but you catch my drift.

Dude, the second time around only works with love. Not Communism.

Your friend,


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Man up

So this guy Snowden drops a dime on NSA's wholesale and indiscriminate collection of just about everything we all say and do, and then gets hisself off to Hong Kong. Okay, hero or traitor? Well, if he had manned up, stayed here and faced the music, then I'd be giving him a medal. But he didn't. He ran off, which is something a spy would do.

Now, I've been hearing some pundits and commentators saying things like "high school dropout" and "Top Secret clearance" in tones of incredulity, like the former obviates the latter. I am intimately familiar with the entire clearance awarding process, having spent many of my post-military years in da bidness, and, please, get a grip. Your level of education is not an issue in clearance awards; it's an issue in the job you're being hired to do, and if a high school dropout can do the wondrous computer administrative support tasks required by the job Snowden was hired by Booz Allen to perform at NSA, then well and good. I mean, Richard Branson was a high school drop out, too.

Clearances are a whole separate beast. The clearance process determines whether you are the type of person who can be entrusted with classified information, anything from the mundane level of Confidential to the stratospheric stuff which is protected under various code words. That usually goes to character, which can be snapshotted by a look at your spending habits, the people you hang out with, how well you play with others, and what kind of foreign connections you have, among other categories. And, obviously, Snowden passed muster.

But, waaait a minute, that PROVES the clearance process doesn't work!

Well, no. It actually proves the clearance system is working great.

Because, you see, the clearance investigation is designed to ferret out traitors to the United States, persons who are willing to sell out this country for personal gain or for ideological reasons. Snowden is not that kind of person. Au contraire, he fervently believes in the Constitution and the operating principles of this country. So, when he discovered the NSA was conducting operations directly against the Constitution, operations that are un-American and traitorous in themselves, he exposed it.

Just like any good American would do when confronted with a covert Marxist operation designed to destroy the country.

Okay, that last sentence may be a bit of hyperbole, but I can sympathize with Snowden's dilemma. In the course of his job, he discovers a powerful US government agency is waging a secret war against the populace. What do you do, especially when you discover everyone from the President on down, is in on it? You don't exactly have the best course of redress, like the IG and members of Congress, since, the moment you call them, you're a marked man. Right, IRS?

So, gotta give him credit, he went public. And not in any way that compromised US security, because even the dullest of terrorists knew we were tracking their phone calls. Unless, of course, you believe collecting information on every single American is a good, right, and proper security tactic. Which I don't. It's a fishing expedition, easily turned against us. Get off your lazy asses, CIA and FBI, and do some real investigating! You know, like following up on leads about some Chechen guy, or when one of your agents sends up a memo about some suspicious flight training.

But no credit for going to Hong Kong. Dude, that's treason.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A modest proposal

The schools have gone completely insane. Suspending a kid for a Pop-Tart gun (it goes 'pop,' right?) or, as Chris Plante (a national treasure) talked about today, suspending another kid because he wanted to defend his school from a Sandy Hook Elementary-type It seems 90-year-old brownshirt nuns have taken over the school system.

And what did you expect? For the past twenty years, the school system has waged a massive behavioral modification campaign to change little boys and little girls into little robots: ve are goink to eliminate ze violence in ze system. Make tag and pointy-gun-finger a capital offense. Promote homosexuality to give the little girls shopping partners, not eeeevil beer-swilling oppresive male husbands. Tart up the little girls and teach them about condoms so pedophiles will have an easier time of it. Dispense Adderol like candy.

And, really, it's so far advanced and ingrained in the entire public school system that no amount of lawsuits, outrage, and pulling your kids out is going to fix it. Noting can fix the public schools, which have become expensive, intrusive, and incapable.  

So, shut down public education. All of it.

Oh no! How will our precious little children ever learn about Dick and Jane? There'll be anarchy! Ignorance! Illiteracy! Dogs and cats living together!
Well, no.

After you've tossed the Marxist educational apparatus out the window, you pass two very simple laws: (a) no one can obtain a driver's license without a high school diploma, and (b) no one can work more than 10 hours a week without said diploma.

What??? WHAT?? How can someone get a high school diploma without a school to go to??? How can you deny a 16-year-old the joy of getting a license?? And how in the heck is McDonald's going to staff the front counter???

Easy. Get your GED. Then you're set.

Imagine. All across your town, hundreds of different schools would pop up. Some would just be bare bones Mom-and-Pop operations run out of a garage, teaching just enough to pass that GED. Others would be lovely institutions in (former) public school buildings, teaching Latin and Chemistry and Calculus to those who want more than a GED; you know, all those kids who wants to be doctors and lawyers and physicists. If all you want to do is join Daddy's roofing business, then great, go get your GED by the least expensive and fastest means possible, at 12 years old, if you can. But, let's face it, any 12-year-old who can pass the GED probably wants to do more than roofing, maybe be an archeologist, instead. So he enrolls in the Latin school.

But it'll be too expensive! No, it won't, it'll be pretty cheap. First, these schools need your kids to enroll, so they're going to have to keep their tuitions reasonable. And you'll have more money to pay for it because taxes will plummet. You'll be paying for only your school, not every other school in the county like you do now, whether you have kids or not.

And. boy, wouldn't this radically alter the colleges? Instead of an outrageously expensive four-year Communications degree just to learn how to run a recording studio, you could, instead, go to a much less expensive community college and get a certificate to do exactly the same thing. Without all the ridiculous courses that raise your tuition by, oh, say 1000%. In fact, the universities would have to get downright serious because they'd be competing against cheaper, faster, better ways of getting a great job. They'd actually have to become places of research and thought, instead of diploma mills and centers of Marxist indoctrination.

Utopia, people.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The other "i" word

Dear President Hopeychange,
I have to apologize for not writing sooner. Frankly, I didn't expect you to still be around after November, and I'm still getting over the shock. Go ahead, laugh at me and the other Americans who were absolutely convinced your bungling would hand the Presidency over to an adult. What's that quote? "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." Good call on your part.
And, back in November, as the shreds of the United States fell alongside your confetti, I felt like this was it, that we had reached tipping point, that between the 49% of the Americans you and Bill Ayers lobotomized with your Annenberg Challenge silliness and the 2% you can count on through voter fraud, that the chances of adults ever running the country again was nil. Kaput. Finished. So I bought a lot of ammunition, a couple of extra guns, and decided to sit and wait for the civil war, which should break out sometime over the next ten years.
But, then, we had the last two weeks.
I mean, man: the Benghazi cover-up, the attack on AP and Fox, and the IRS? Wow. Why don't you just go ahead and put on the leather uniform, replete with lightening bolts, already? I watched the hearings and it was just jaw-dropping; wholesale violation of the Constitution by you and Eric and Ben and every other Marxist, er, Democrat, in the country. It's like you pulled the founding document out of the Archives, draped it in lingerie, and then had your way with it in the Lincoln Bedroom. I've always known you and your party hated the Constitution, but this was just overkill.
Then I started looking at all the timing involved: the Benghazi cover-up occurred a month or two before the election; the rape of AP well before that, and IRS intimidation of Republicans well before that. And you and your vanguard made strenuous efforts to make sure nary a peep of any of this got out before November 6th. Because you knew full well that any one of these was enough to get 4-5% of your 49% to go, "Hey, wait a minute, this doesn't seem right," and, while they wouldn't vote for Romney, they'd do what a lot of Republicans who also didn't like Romney did, and stay home. The 2% of votes delivered through fraud wouldn't have been enough, so you would have lost the election.
My first instinct, then, that you had stolen the election, turns out to be true.
The problem for you now- everyone else is beginning to see it the same way. So, while I never considered you the legitimate president of this country because you are a Marxist and not an American (we've had this discussion a few times already, remember?), it looks like everyone else who solemnly proclaimed you ARE the president 'cause you won it fair and square, now knows you didn't.
I think the weeks remaining to your Presidency are going to get a lot worse. You're going to look back on the last two fondly.
But you don't have to be worried about impeachment. Not gonna happen. And, no, it's not because you're black (you're not; you're red), but because it's strategically more advantageous for us real Americans to have you finish out the term. Every day you and the Democrats remain in charge will give plenty more examples of why you don't let high school students run the country, as your incompetence becomes apparent even to your supporters.
And that's an "i" word you should really fear.
Your friend,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hilary, Barack, care to comment?

I started out watching the Benghazi hearing on Fox, but they were flipping around to Jody Arias and kidnapped girls and pundits view of the testimony, so, annoyed, I went to CSpan 3 on the Web (I love the 21st Century and its alternative communication outlets). The hearings just adjourned moments ago, and here's my take:

a. Democrats are curs. Yellow, craven curs. At least three times, the Democrats tried to say it was Republican budget cuts that caused Benghazi. Three times, Darrel Issa (Yay! A spine!) pointed out previous testimony declaring money was no factor. Three. Times. And Representative Steven Horsford is, obviously, a sock puppet.

b. Despite some Democrat's snarky statement about there not being a smoking gun, not even a warm slingshot ( I think Pocan said that), one went off. That was Michael Thompson's testimony regarding the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), which looks like SWAT on steroids.
[Editorial aside: I pride myself on being very familiar with all kinds of CT support organizations, but I'd never heard of FEST. Delta, JTTF-B, SOCOM, yeah, but not FEST. Kudos to you guys for keeping it all low key].
Thompson said he called the White House and advised FEST was ready to go, in fact, was the perfect team to respond and could be there in four hours (or be ready to launch in four hours, I'm not sure). He was told that that meeting had already been held and that option was discarded. Thompson has no idea why FEST wasn't activated, but it looks very much like his boss, Ambassador Patrick Kennedy, convinced the NSC, in the first few hours of the attack, not to send FEST.

Ambassador Kennedy, care to comment?

c. Further proof of Democrat cur-ness was Eleanor Holmes Norton incredible attempt to call Thompson a liar by parsing, down to the molecular level, his quote in a newspaper that the State Department's Counterterroism Bureau was bypassed in the decision process. See, Norton had a harumphing statement from that same Ambassador Kennedy declaring he certainly was involved in the decision making and CTB comes under him, so, ipso facto, Thompson lieth like a rugeth! Fortunately, Thompson saw this lame attempt coming from miles away, and told Norton he did not say the Bureau was cut out, but that his division, which represents FEST, was not consulted nor asked to provide any input. Which is like requesting fire trucks without asking the fire department.

So, again, Ambassador Kennedy, care to comment?

d. Hilary Clinton blamed Diplomatic Security (DS) for the disaster. Now, I've worked for DS, and they are the red-headed stepchildren of State, and are always blamed when an Ambassador screws some security thing up. But Nordstrom made it clear that he, as the Regional Security Officer (RSO), made repeated and frantic requests for beefed up security, which Hilary not only denied but even one-upped by cutting his resources. So, Hilary blames Nordstrom for not being able to prevent a planned terrorist attack that she refused to give him the resources to prevent.

Hilary, your response?

e. And we now know why Hilary refused those resources, and why she and Barack went crazy over the video story. "Normalization." Hicks and Nordstrom testified that Hilary was making a big push for normalization in Libya. In other words, we've got normal State Department functions in a stable, democratic Libya, which was saved by the jutting jaw of Obama's resolve to watch NATO bomb Khaddafi out of power, and was, subsequently, brought magically into the 21st Century by the Greatest Secretary of State, Hilary, who is now ready for the baton pass in 2016. No terrorists to see here. Move along.

And that's why the video had to be the catalyst—because then the Benghazi attack is just a one-off, an anomaly, something weird happening out of the blue. Like shootings at Ft. Hood, or bags blowing up in Marathons. No terrorism to see here, move along. Anything else proves how incompetent, child-like, and completely incapable Barack Obama and his administration, is.
Hilary, Barack, care to comment?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Here to help yeeeew

You are, according to the average government hireling, too stupid to take care of yourself. You cannot choose your health care properly, you do not know how to handle weapons, you cannot eat or drink the right foods, you do not know how to raise your children. They do. They have acquired this ability through either (a) assuming a government position or (b) graduating from certain schools. They can now choose your health care for you, take care of your security, select your diet, monitor your children's activities.

"This is the way," they assure you.This is the best of all solutions. You will be safe, prosperous, actualized, happy, under the benevolent and all-seeing care of Your Government.

And yet:

a. A woman calls 911 while she is being attacked, and is put on hold.

b. Immigration agents cannot access a database telling them the terrorist they're about to let in to the country has an expired visa.

c. The government gives your money to someone making cigarette- sensitive underwear.

"Isolated incidents," they snort. No, they're not. They're standard. And all their promises of ferreting out fraud and incompetence and it's really, really going to work this time! doesn't cut it.

What they are proving is what the Founders knew: government is incompetent. Always was. Always will be.

Right, Ambassador Stevens?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Starring Cheech and Chong

Today's AP (the All Propaganda news service) headline: "Police: Suspects Planned NYC Attack." ( My local paper's version was a bit different. Sue me). Seems the Chechen brothers were bent on mayhem and murder again, this time along the Great White Way! Oh no!

But, then you read this:  " what they portrayed as a chilling, spur-of-the-moment scheme that fell apart when the brothers realized the car they had hijacked was low on gas."

In other words, this "plan" had all the highlights of stoners piling into a 1973 Pinto at two o'clock in the morning in an effort to score some pizza. Hijinks ensue. As if you needed any more evidence of the hubristic, self-absorbed my-life-is-a-movie character of these two idiots, it was both of them thinking that they, in a stolen vehicle, with their faces plastered all over the world, could actually pull something spur-of-the-moment like this off.

But according to Mayor McSoda of New York City: "We don't know if we would have been able to stop the terrorists had they arrived here from Boston," the mayor said. "We're just thankful that we didn't have to find out that answer."


You mean, the overwhelming resources of the best anti-terror unit in the country, the NYPD, along with the sophisticated technologies, theories, and capabilities of the entire Federal Counterterrorist apparatus, all mobilized since the Marathon bombings, wasn't sure it could handle a couple of half wits?

Oh. Good. God.

And these very same people want to take care of your health, your education, your retirement, your job. They assure us, with magical words written on parchment so therefore it must be true and real, that we do not need our guns, our own doctors, nor to concern ourselves with what is taught in our classrooms or amass savings to stave off destitution because they, with degrees from Harvard, have developed a superior ability to handle every aspect of you peasants' lives.

But, yet, two morons with homemade hand grenades baffle them.

Okay. Thanks, anyway. But I think I'll take care of all this stuff myself.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Chickens Coming Home to Roost

So, Chechens. With pressure cooker bombs.

What do you think caused it? Well, let's follow liberal logic: while walking innocently down a Wal Mart (corporation! grrr!) aisle, they accidentally brushed against a display of cookware and were filled with rage and the urge to commit mayhem. So they bought the pressure cooker weapons of mass destruction and went after the Boston Marathon. Ban pressure cookers! Ban Wal Mart! And universal background checks for all caterers!

Because, you see, it is the object, not the person.

Or, how about this? Enraged by the racist patrimony of the white male overlord capitalist running dog lackey class, the two peace-loving legal immigrants decided to show eeevil conservatives that they, as immigrants, were just as legal as illegal immigrants. Take that, Boston Marathon, which is a real white person event!

Because, you see, racism justifies any kind of response. Any kind.

Or, maybe they were showing solidarity with their illegally detained Guantanamo brethren, or protesting the waste of funds that should go to the poor instead of elite privileged marathon runners flaunting their prosperity (poor people can't run marathons, man! It's a race just finding food!), or maybe they didn't like the exploitation of police dogs and every other desperate leftist Marxist liberal Democrat excuse you can muster.

Or maybe, let's try this: they are a couple of evil bastards, filled with the contempt for human life that only Islam seems to generate, and in their hubris, decided to kill and maim others.

And hey, Barack, when you tell Medyedev that you'll have more flexibility, America gets bumped up the Chechen enemy list.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

We're All Gay Now

According to the news and Hollywood and polls and Republican leadership, that is. I doubt it. Methinks there is, instead, some creative polling going on, along with wishful thinking and the normal idiocy that is a hazard of being young. Which is puzzling, because, really, gay? Are you serious?

I put homosexuality in the same category as pedophilia, incest, bestiality, whatever we used to think was degenerate behavior (I say "used to think" because there's been some movement along those lines, too). It's like marrying a goat. And this does not make me homophobic. Not in the least. I have absolutely no fear of homosexuals. I am, instead, rather contemptuous of them.

Call me, then, homoscornic.

My attitude can be summed up in Sam Kinison's rather poignant question: How can a man look at another man's hairy ass and find love? Seriously, how? Men, at best, are just functional, while women, even the worst of them, are works of art. Stand a naked man and a naked women next to each other and note where the symmetry and beauty lie. And which parts actually fit together, indeed, seem to be DESIGNED to fit together. With ease. Not with a lot of effort and Vaseline.

I regard homosexuality as nothing more than arrested development. Gay guys never really got past the "Girls are icky" stage, and remember their middle school circle jerks with great fondness. They developed such a regard for ejaculation that they are willing to find another man equally in love with his and do unspeakable things to each other in order to achieve it. And they think that's love.

It isn't. No one over 14 mistakes orgasm with love...well, at least they didn't before the 30 year effort to reduce all relationships to mere orgasm. And since we all now believe that all relationships are measured primarily by the amount and level of sex contained therein, then a homosexual's particular brand of ejaculation is just one shade of gray. So why can't they get married?

Why can't brother and sister? Brother and goat?

Oh, tut, says the gay lobby, a goat or a child can't enter into a contract so marriage with them would never happen.

Yeah? Just give it some time.

And, please understand, because I am scornful of you doesn't mean I want to put you gay guys in jail or stone you or burn you at the stake or anything. You wanna be gay, knock yourselves out. Broadway is a better place because of it. Set up house together. Have a ball. Or two.

But don't think for a second I will ever consider you legitimate, even if the Supreme Court loses what's left of its mind and sanctions your marriage. You can't make a horse a Senator. Lots of horses' asses are, but no actual horses. And no gay guy will ever be anything more to me than a guy in love with another guy's hairy ass.

Now, lesbians. You're okay. Just take a lot of pictures.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Argo won Best Picture because of its opening and ending credits. Certainly not for anything else. I mean, where's the tension? Everyone knew they would all get out.

The action was just...not. I didn't buy the whole pulled aside by the crazed airport guard (Farshad Farahat, the best actor in the whole thing) episode and the ridiculous tarmac pursuit because I had (a) never heard of these events from subsequent interviews and (b) they looked too Hollywood. Apparently, my instincts were correct.

The acting was...okay. Farahat was terrifyingly intense and quite believable, that is, until the silly tarmac chase. Alan Arkin was terrifyingly funny, as always. Ben Affleck looked like he was practicing a cameo for The Walking Dead, but you expect that. Everyone else...meh. The movie overall...meh. So, why the big deal?

Because, in the beginning, some enraged woman with a kinda Farsi accent tells us that the entire Iranian Revolution is George Bush's fault.

Not George Bush per se, but eeeevil American corporate imperialists who crushed the innocent, peace loving natural genuine aspirations of the gentle Iranian people by deposing their beloved and revered dictator, Mossadegh, and replacing him with that eeeevil Western puppet, Shah Pahlavi. That's why Iranian students stormed the Embassy almost 30 years later (took a while to get organized, because that eeevil CIA was soooo good at penetrating the students' ranks), when those eeeevil American corporate imperialists sheltered the Shah from righteous Iranian justice, all of which forced that conflicted man of action Ben Affleck, er, Tony Mendez, to Risk His Life saving the poor, innocent American embassy workers cruelly exploited by eeevil George Bush Republicans and oil companies. All, ALL! the problems in the Middle East ever since were caused by this! Grrrr!!

What rot.

Mossadegh was a dictator who liked to nationalize private property. Should he have been coup'd? No, of course not, but the issue in 1979 was Islamic radicalism, not political orientation. Even Mossadegh would have been overthrown by the fundamentalist Revolutionary Guard. Islamists don't like Marxists any more than they like capitalists.

Jimmy Carter's voice-over at the end, claiming he got the hostages released without resorting to violence is, of course, the ultimate liberal fantasy. It was the promise of violence from the incoming Reagan administration that convinced the Iranians to let our people go. 

But that would be an inconvenient truth.

And would mean no Academy Award.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bumps in the ground

No briefing. No phone calls. No interest.

That pretty much sums up Barack Obama's involvement with the Benghazi attack. Panetta told him about it during a pre-scheduled afternoon brief and then...crickets. Barry couldn't be bothered. Gotta go to Las Vegas, ya know, got that election thing, ya know. Dead ambassador? Eh, he knew the risks.

No, apparently, he didn't.

See, Ambassador Stevens believed, like any American who opts for public service, that the US government had his back. The US would exercise rights of sovereign territory over its consulates and personnel because, heck, a diplomatic corps cannot operate, otherwise. It's just standard governmental practice.

But on 11 Sep 12, Ambassador Stevens discovered that was no longer true. No help came. Leon and his Joint Chief wrung their hands and consulted some charts and well, we're sorry, just can't do it. No one called the wing commander of Sigonella Air Base to put some assets in the air. The rescue team from Tripoli landed at the Benghazi airport and just stayed put, waiting for a bus or to clear Customs, who the hell knows? Rescue teams from other countries flew here and there and landed and here and there, but nowhere near Benghazi. Doherty and Woods called and called for help, still foolishly believing, like Amabassador Stevens did, that their Commander-in-Chief would help them.

But he had a campaign event to get to. So, he told Leon to take care of it, and went to bed. Unbothered. Unconcerned. Probably slept great.

Because the lives and deaths of individuals just aren't important in the great scheme. When there's a Marxist utopia to be built, graves get dug- here and there an individual, at other places, mass ones. Barry and Mao and Lenin and Stalin, shoulder to shoulder, looking with satisfaction at those long, long lines of disturbed earth. Onward, forever onward.

So, Hillary, what difference did it make? Well, to your boss, none. To others:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here's Why it Matters

For weeks, Hillary, you and Barry and Susan and Leon blamed a video that some horrible person dared, DARED! to put on YouTube. Why, Hillary, you even promised a grieving family member that the horrible, horrible person who dared to put up that video would be severely punished, and there he is, in jail.

And it was all crap.

Four people died, alone and calling for help, because your buddy Barry needed to swagger around telling everyone he was SO a tough guy! Hadn't he destroyed Al Qaeda, knocked that Moammar guy right off his throne, solved the Mid East crisis, ensured Israel's future, settled all the differences with the Muslim world and just should be elected to another four years because he has done so much to secure America's, and the world's, peace?

Well, no Hillary, he hadn't. And if you and Barry and Susan and Leon had admitted that, well, your chances of getting more of those tax payer funded trips would be threatened, wouldn't it?

But it matters for another reason, Hillary, because see, four people died, alone and calling for help, not because crapheads took offense to a video. Oh, no, not at all.

They died because of you.

It is your fault. Not just as the head of a department that screwed up so badly, but as someone directly responsible for their deaths. See, a naif like you, drunk on your Peace Studies theory of engagement, with your postmodern view of American diminishment and the romance of Third World revolutionary movements, might as well have sent a written invitation to Al Qaeda to come on down and bugger a dead ambassador. See, Hillary, ideas have consequences, and your faculty lounge statesmanship caused a beast to lurch towards Benghazi.  

And I think you know that. That's why you cried at the hearing.


And I think you are holding to this egregiously insensitive "What difference does it make!" line because you know the honorable thing to do, the right thing to do, is resign. In disgrace. But you won't.
Because you're not honorable.

Monday, January 21, 2013

So, where was he?

Where was the President during Benghazi, and who refused to send help?

I keep asking this question. So far, no answers.
Now, if you read Senator Lieberman and Collins' report Flashing Red, there appears to be an answer to the last half of the question: no one refused to send help. There was no help to be sent.
According to the report, AFRICOM, that puzzling and new combat command which has a few problems of its own, has military responsibility for Libya. Any assets to be scrambled would come from AFRICOM inventory. The problem is that AFRICOM did not have any assets in close enough proximity to do said scrambling:

Finding 8. The Department of Defense and the Department of State had not jointly assessed the availability of U.S. assets to support the Temporary Mission Facility in Benghazi in the event of a crisis and although DOD attempted to quickly mobilize its resources, it did not have assets or personnel close enough to reach Benghazi in a timely fashion. (page 20 of Flashing Red)... 

...AFRICOM’s lack of operational assets near Benghazi hindered its capacity to evacuate U.S. personnel during the attacks. The Djibouti base was several thousand miles away. There was no Marine expeditionary unit, carrier group or a smaller group of U.S. ships closely located in the Mediterranean Sea that could have provided aerial or ground support or helped evacuate personnel from Benghazi. AFRICOM also lacked a dedicated Commander’s In-extremis Force (CIF)—a specially trained force capable of performing no-notice missions. As a result, General Ham was forced to call on the European Command’s CIF whose location in Eastern Europe prevented it from getting to Benghazi before the four Americans were killed and all other U.S. personnel were evacuated. We note that AFRICOM later received an independent CIF in October, 2012.89 DOD and AFRICOM tried to provide effective support on September 11th, but given the nature of the attack in Benghazi and the distance of their assets from Benghazi, they were tragically unable to do so. (page 21 of Flashing Red).

And Leon Panetta did give it the old college try, at least, according to the report:  

From 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. EST, Secretary Panetta met with senior DOD officials to discuss the Benghazi attack and other violence in the region in reaction to the anti-Muslim video. The Secretary directed three actions: 1) that one Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoon stationed in Rota, Spain, deploy to Benghazi and that a second FAST platoon in Rota prepare to deploy to Tripoli; 2) that U.S. European Command’s In-extremis Force, which happened to be training in central Europe, deploy to a staging base in southern Europe; and 3) that a special operations force based in the United States deploy to a staging base in southern Europe. The National Command Center transmitted formal authorization for these actions at 8:39 p.m. A FAST platoon arrived in Tripoli the evening (local time) of September 12th, and the other forces arrived that evening at a staging base in Italy, long after the terrorist attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi had ended and four Americans had been killed. (Flashing Red, page 4) 

And well, well, it's just the logistics of the thing. Rota NAS is 2046 miles from Benghazi, about four flight hours. By the time you get everybody out of the bars, suited up and on the plane, it's about six hours. Say Panetta makes his decisions at 6 (I know, I'm being generous); the FAST doesn't get there until midnight. Okay, good, still time to kick some terrorist butt, but the FAST team didn't go to Benghazi—they went to Tripoli.  


The guys from Europe (I'm guessing Ramstein) had 2646 miles to travel but, it's a quicker flight, only 3 hours (prevailing winds, no doubt). So, give them the two hours to round up the boys and get gear and go, and they should have been in Benghazi by 11:00 pm,which is even more time to kick some terrorist ass.  

But they didn't go to Bengahzi. They went to Italy. 


All you guys who've ever been in the military understand this. Things break. Orders are muddled. Things don't work out. Couldn't be helped. Panetta shrugs his shoulders in the press conference with Dempsey. Oh well, we tried. Sorry about that. Just another bump in the road. 

Except for one thing: Sigonella NAS, Sicily. 

Sigonella NAS is 610 flight miles from Benghazi. 610. An hour and ten minutes. 

Now, it is a little difficult trying to find out what units are stationed at Sigonella. I can understand that; don't want the bad guys to know what we got. But, the site Global Security reports that Sigonella has airplanes. Lots of big, honking, airplanes. 

Why weren't those sent? 

Fortunately, Bing West, former Assistant Secretary of Defense and a man much smarter than Schlub, has already asked this question in a National Review article called "First, Aid the Living." He says that Sigonella had Special Operations forces and F18s. F18s! Imagine one of those bad boys roaring in. Craphead terrorists running for their lives. 

Yes. Imagine. 

But, they didn't. And you gotta ask why. 

Mr. West thinks it's due to "...passive groupthink..., with the assumption being that a spontaneous mob would quickly run out of steam." But I don't. I think there's other things to blame. 

First, chains of command. Panetta and Ham and all the other high falutin' commanders and administrative generals really, really believe in chains of command and assigned responsibilities and jurisdiction and territories and who gets to do what with what assets and its AFRICOM and Sigonella is not AFRICOM so, no, don't call them. Bing West got that part right because groupthink excludes  the ability to consider other options. 

But there is something far worse: zeitgeist. 

Look who you have here: Panetta, Clinton, and Obama. All of them, each damned one of them, hold the US military in complete and utter contempt. Sneering contempt. The first thing you cavemen want to do is blow stuff up and kill babies so no, NO! We're not sending any damned F18s or forces to save those two stupid ex-SEALS who disobeyed orders in the first place and deserve everything that happens to them.  

And Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty called for help. And called. And called. Frantic. Desperate. Wondering why a major tenet of US military doctrine—never abandon your troops—was being ignored. Why a second tenet—by God, send everything!—wasn't happening. And they fought and called and fought and called and died. Alone. Abandoned. 

And where were you, Barack Obama, while this was happening? 

Where were you?