Thursday, January 21, 2021

We Will Not Move On

 No, Lindsey Graham, we will not move on.

If someone stole your checkbook, Lindsey Graham, would you let them take over your bank account? Because that’s what you’re asking us to do. Just accept it. In fact, go ahead and put some more money into that stolen account.

Is that what you would do?

Apparently so. You even make excuses. “Oh, there was no election fraud! It’s all been disproved.” I gotta wonder, Lindsey Graham, to what disprovals you refer because not one single court has reviewed one single item of evidence. You’re either making it up or taking the assurances of thieves: “Oh, don’t worry, we’ll leave you enough to live on. Besides, there’s nothing you can do so move on.”

Actually, Lindsey Graham, you should move on. You, and the entire GOP sellout backstabbing Quisling party, so happy you’re back in a position where you can throw up your hands and say, “Sorry, we’re as mad as you are but we can’t do anything about it.” The thief stole the bank account, doncha know. Harumph and harumph and gotta save our phony baloney jobs.

But I’ll tell you what, Lindsey Graham, if you can prove to me that the election was fair and correct, then I’ll back you guys. Get a grand jury and lawyers and witnesses and evidence together and lay it all out; prove to me all the things I saw on election day were just my lying eyes.

Otherwise, Lindsey Graham, you’ve got 80 million Republican voters who witnessed a Soviet style coup, and witnessed you making excuses for it. 80 million people who no longer believe their votes count, that the Republican party no longer has their backs, and that they have no redress in the courts or Congress.

What will 80 million people convinced they have no recourse do?

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Joe Biden is not the President

Joe Biden is not the President. Donald Trump is. What?!? But, but, electoral certification by Congress…!

If someone steals your checkbook, do they now own your bank account? And let’s be clear; the election was stolen. STOLE. EN. This was a coup, engineered by the Democrats. A coup. Soviet style. 

All the people now screaming “conspiracy theory!” and “There’s no evidence!” must have served on the OJ jury. Even a cursory glance at the evidence is enough for a sane person to go, “Wait a minute, how’s that possible?” Democrats, though, are not sane.

My favorite bit of evidence is statistical: Joe Biden won 212 counties less than Obama did in 2012, and with 20 million more votes. So, you expect me to believe that, over an 8 year period, 60 million people crammed themselves into 212 fewer counties than they lived in during 2012, and brought 20 million more people with them? Did the losing counties notice the depopulation? Did the gaining counties notice the flood? Now we know where all those Mexican caravans went.

Maybe the gaining counties should have built walls.

Then there is the direct evidence: trunkloads of ballots pulled out from under tables and repeatedly run through Dominion machines, live and in color; people showing up to vote and finding they’ve already voted; truckloads of ballots shipped from one state to another; Italian IT people admitting they changed ballots to Biden and sent them to Frankfurt.

Oh, say the Democrats, that’s nothing. And besides, it wasn’t enough to overturn the results. 

I beg to differ. It was a massive overturning of the true results, putting a Potemkin candidate into office with the most blatant and egregious election fraud since Maduro won Venezuela. Stalin would be proud of today’s Democrat party. 

Saying it was just a little fraud here and there is like saying it’s just a little bank robbery here and there. Nothing to worry about. No need to lock the bank doors or put in cameras or declare bank robbery a crime. Just leave the bank robbers alone. Which is what the Dems are doing. 

You have witnessed a successful Soviet overthrow of the United States, by the fifth columnist Dems who stand behind their Quisling.

And they wonder why we’re mad.