Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lt. Pike is a candy ass.

Uh, pepper-sprayed dudes and dudettes:

Be grateful you live in these gentler police times. We would have moved you with the liberal application of steel batons.

Friday, November 11, 2011


So, the public union referendum in Ohio goes down in flames, as does the Mississippi right-to-life one. At the same time, Ohio rejects the Obamacare mandate and Virginia becomes all Republican all the time.

Mixed results?


We still value the individual in this country. We still respect unions because they're made up of our neighbors and friends, regular working people. Now the unions, themselves, have become Marxist fronts, and public service unions…don't get me started. Giving a group of our neighbors the power to shake us down to finance their salaries and pensions, while the schools get worse and the regulators grow by exponential notation? Extraordinarily stupid, but that will play itself out. Eventually.

We want women to still make their own choices, too, even if they are incredibly stupid ones. You have the freedom in this country to be stupid.

BUT... paying for your stupid behavior? That’s another story. Pay for it yourself. No Obamacare.
Unions getting out of control? Send Republicans up to the state house to slash and burn budgets, thereby limiting how much damage public service unions can actually do to us.
Restores one’s faith, it does.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Do you know which administration was very successful in creating jobs? Hitler's. Stalin's, too.

They even gave people places to live.