Friday, September 27, 2013

Overdue Indictments

Hilary Clinton: Involuntary Manslaughter, for her demand that the US relationship with Libya be "normalized," and then telling Ambassador Stephens to shut up already, you don't need any extra security, I just declared everything normal over there. Conspiracy to Commit Perjury, Providing False Statements, too, for that video, which doesn't make any difference, doncha know.

Eric Holder: Fraud and Diversion of Government Property, for Fast and Furious. Conspiracy to Commit Murder, for Fast and Furious. Malfeasance, for just about everything else he's done.

Leon Panetta: As a former Secretary of Defense, activate him in the military and then bring UCMJ charges of Dereliction of Duty and Conduct Unbecoming, for leaving Americans to die in battle without rendering aid. Then back to the civilian courts for False Statement about that video crap.

James Clapper: for being Stupid on Station. And Perjury.

Susan Rice: Conspiracy to Commit Perjury.

And, last but not least:

President Barack Obama: Managing a Criminal Enterprise.