Tuesday, January 27, 2009

White people got no reason to live

USA Network, whatever that is, has some kind of weird organization forming. I'm not really sure what it is, something about everyone coming together now. The ad caught my interest because it showed a series of various ethnic types, mixed ethnic types, grunge and Goths and gays, oh my, all sincerely talking about how Things can Change Now (that we have Obama, I'm guessing), if you go to our website. Didn't bother noting it. There was one white guy in the mix- old, fat, white guy, sitting in a chair and looking goofy.

Revered Lowery, Robert Reich, and now this. The war on white men has come out of the closet, apparently.

I was personally under the impression that the color of one's skin, various racial mixes, gender, orientation, all that, didn't matter. Guess I was wrong.

So, okay, let me, as a member of the species, make a slight defense of white men. Much of what you all enjoy in the way of modern life came to you courtesy of white men. They invented cars, gasoline, highways, the electric guitar, some of your better drugs, television, movies, the concept of individual rights, and were the ones who pretty much blew themselves apart freeing the black men from slavery, Europe from tyranny, and Iraq from Saddam.

Speaks to a lot of capability. Lots of talent. And a group of guys who really enjoy a good fight.

Might want to consider that, before you piss us all off.

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