Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Origins of the financial crisis

Let's be clear. You Dumbocrats own this. Every freakin' ounce of it. It's yours. You caused it. You blocked all attempts to stop it. You are now making it worse.

Whoa. Waaaait a minute, schlub! It was Wall Street and greedy bankers and AIG executives. Yeah!

Nuh uh.

You bleeding heart Marxist crapheads with your gigantic tear ducts flowing for all the poor benighted of the world, you are the idiots who came up with the Community Reinvestment Act. "Oh, it's just us trying to get those heartless bankers to put more resources into their local communities. That's all. What's wrong with that?"

Everything. Every damn thing.

See, morons, the bankers, no matter how heartless, how greedy, how uncaring and contemptuous of the poor benighted, still want to make money. According to you, it is the only thing they love. So, morons, if they can make money giving it to poor benighted, then they'll give it to poor benighteds. Because that would make them money. And since the only color they see is green, they will give it to black people and brown people and white people and every shade of people, AS LONG AS THEY CAN MAKE MONEY!!!!

Only a bunch of adolescent babyheads like you could come up with "oooo the bankers are racists and are trying to keep everyone down!" No they're not! If everyone's down, THEN THEY DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY!!!

Are you starting to catch on?

See, they didn't want to give their money to people who would either (a) steal it or (b) never pay it back, which is the same as (a). If your poor benighted had not become poor benighteds because of the Great Society and other life killing Dumbocratic programs, then the poor benighteds wouldn't be living in neighborhoods one shade removed from Beirut, making investment in them so risky no banker WHO WANTS TO MAKE MONEY would throw a quarter in there, much less 600k for a house. It's only when you Marxist crapheads threatened them with suits and expensive litigation that they started giving up those loans, especially when you Marxist crapheads assured them your mortgage abortion clinics, Sallie and Fannie Mae, would back them up.

You started it. Your stupid, high school ideology prompted it. It is all yours.

And after you've plummeted the world into economic collapse and starvation and war and ruin, you can all gather by the waters and weep, "What went wrong? We were so sincere!"


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