Saturday, January 23, 2010


Dear President Hopeychange,

No doubt your masters told you there would be days like this. That it turned into a whole week, well, hey. I mean, Scott Brown, the Supreme Court, and the stock market crashing? One would think such back-to-back disasters would give pause, cause one to reflect, maybe re-evaluate one's course...

Ha! I know, funny. There's no way you'd do that. Mere minor setbacks. I'm sure Stern and Ayres have been telling you that, shrug it off, get back out there and win one for the Marx-ster.

But the anger! I'm sure Stern and Ayres DIDN'T tell you about that! I mean, you pretty much adhered to the "redneck rabble" line when 1.2 million pretty pissed-off voters showed up on your lawn last year (see previous posts). Buncha losers, racists, clinging to their guns and Bibles. That so many of them managed to get up from their broken-legged couches, tear themselves away from sex with their cousins, make a legible sign and actually show up was just a series of odd coincidences. That they managed to keep coming back (see previous posts), well, racists can always get up the energy to keep the black man down, can't they?

New Jersey, New Jersey is a bunch of Mafia in-bred Pineys, and Virginia...can you say "macaca?" While troublesome, can deal with it.

But Massachusetts...Ted Kennedy's legacy seat. What in the Sol Alinsky is going on?

Well, let me clue you in. See, there's another thing Stern and Ayers didn't tell you- socialism sucks. Spouting Marxist agitprop while in high school and down in the 'hood during your community activist days (heady, so heady) and leaning on your hand dreamy-eyed listening to it from your professors in college, yeah. That's all fun. Makes you sound big hearted and open-minded and progressive and smart. Gets you laid, as I'm sure you found out. But as an actual politcial philisophy for running a country? Disaster. Can you say "Soviet Union?"

Now, yes, yes, I'm sure you've pointed out to Stern and Ayres that the deficit is out of control and unemployment is soaring and the Chinese are about to re-possess New York City and, dudes, I thought this stuff would work. And, dudes, people are really, really pissed! There, there, grasshopper, they said as they patted you on the head, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette (quick, who said that?). Just stay the course and you will soon see the American people marching lockstep along that golden path to the worker's paradise, scythes shouldered and a song on their lips.

More likely, torches and pitchforks.

See, this anger is real. We LIKE the Constitution, not Das Kapital. And that 1.2 million last time? Look out your window- it's now about 200 million.

Mayhaps you should, to quote a rather offensive bromide, come to Jesus? Before you find yourself on a rail, feather covered?

Just sayin'.

Your friend,


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